Picture this, Van has a RL issue going on in his lawn, not related to war2, and a guy on war2 is writing things on his FB, in front of his personal life friends/family, as you think the guy is dead for some god for saken reason. How would Van NOT think you have lost it as you have obviously jumped to the the most extreme conclusion you could come up with over.... a VIDEO GAME. You said the post was deleted? If I was Van I would have deleted and blocked/or unfriended you, personally.
Listen to Lone, do your homework and go from there. Facts are proven, talk is just talk and there is too much of that going on.
I've been friends with Angel for years on this now. I consider him my only actual real friend on here. He doesn't give 2 shits about anything but playing from time to time and having fun. No drama, no other crap, he doesn't care. He hates watching games and rarely does as well. He isn't particularly friends with the people that were in that game. I see no reason Angel would watch and then lie to me about it. That isn't him.
When I asked him, the next day, he said something like, what? No. I guess I need to change my PW.
If the real crime is people switching accounts, there is nothing you can do about that. Play (1v1) people on their real names and no matter who is actually on the name and if you win, you get the win off of that name. Simple as that. Especially a no name smurf that was just created. You know better than that. That part is your fault. Deciphering who was on that name is useless and you need to get over that. Whomever will not admit it and you will not get credit. You need to accept that and move on.
People troll and will continue to troll and fuck with you as long as they can because to them, it's fucking hilarious, how bad they got your goat right now. You can't get caught up in that stupid shit or it will drive you crazy. The more they throw you off, the further you get from the truth, the more motivation you give them to keep fucking with you. Like BabyShark......
I wish you would get over this Burnt because when you were gaming with your Z guys, you were doing a great job helping the community play more and diversify maps. You were getting real good and it was impressive to watch. You will no doubt beat top people if you keep it up and this 1 win you got, you will look back on, and say, who gives a shit, I've beat him many times at this point.
When I was "new" again to this game and I'd beat someone good, I'd be like holy shit! Even take an SS sometimes. Now, I beat those people often (yes they beat me more stfu ppl) and don't think twice about it. I look back at the SSs from before and go, well, these aren't worth anything now. Keep things in perspective.