Author Topic: Burnt!  (Read 59309 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #270 on: October 03, 2019, 04:53:31 PM »
I'm glad you brought that up burnt. I said I was going to run van over with a tractor. Anybody on this server who read that knew there was absolutely no chance that there was any truth to it at all. They knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was 100% joking. But you acted like it was something you were actually concerned about. Do you not realize that your inability to distinguish a joke as blatant as that as a concern? A serious concern?

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #271 on: October 03, 2019, 04:56:36 PM »
I didn't even read it when it was posted. I'm just pointing it out as a fact of what reason was I muted for when I did NOTHING wrong. Yet you are here talking about killing people as a admin.

The reason I thought van was in trouble was because the death threats that I recieved that day by infern0, then van logs on discord on a phone which I never saw him use before.

Then after that he said Hello xurnt on microphone when I thought he knew my mic was broken and disapeared. I posted on his facebook wall for his friends to check on his well being and it got deleted so it freaked me out.

So I got muted for worrying about my online friend.

And while all of this was going on my comp was getting hacked where I couldn't post screenshots.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 05:05:40 PM by XuRnT »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #272 on: October 03, 2019, 06:18:19 PM »
You seemed to be in an unhealthy state of mind, disconnected from reality. The person who muted you did it because they were concerned about you.. and wanted to de-escilate the situation.

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #273 on: October 03, 2019, 06:34:06 PM »
Piss off.

He muted me because he got caught covering for swift
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 06:46:21 PM by XuRnT »

Offline Nox

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #274 on: October 03, 2019, 07:03:14 PM »
Dont worry, i believe you burnt!!

Dont let them play you anymore!!
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #275 on: October 03, 2019, 07:52:26 PM »
That truely means alot to me Equinox.

To be muted by the community I spent time help building was the ultimate insult. My first post in this thread explains it all. They attacked my reputation, continued to hack me, and the war only hurt me.

But I still stand tall in the face of evil.

When I got married I even asked blid if he wanted to be my best man.

I'm still only asking them to come forward and shits cool. Even the hacking my comp. I don't give a shit. We can still be cool. Just admit your shit and take a 1 week ban then play games like normal. It really didn't have to drag this far.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 08:36:10 PM by XuRnT »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #276 on: October 03, 2019, 09:55:36 PM »
1) im pretty sure there is a high level of trolling by Equinox just to get you to continue to go on this rant.

2) Your rant was literally DESTROYING the community. I work construction and I can tell you this.. I can DESTROY a house much faster than it takes me to build it... But youre insulted? Because they attacked your reputation? ... Wasnt the only reason they(we) attacked your reputation because YOU initially wrongfully attacked other's reputations? .. Do you not realize you brought this 100% on yourself?

If the attacks you made on others were actually accurate and substantiated ... there would be no problems. people would have been like "yeah man.. you're right.. thanks for bringing that to our attention!"  .. but that didnt happen. and the reason it didnt happen is because you were not right.. you were by all measurable accounts, wrong   .. and then, even after essentially being proven wrong, you didnt stop. you just kept going... and a month later.. here you are.. still.. make fake accusations against others... But, you're the one insulted?

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #277 on: October 03, 2019, 10:01:22 PM »
Not going in circles with you tk.

I know what happen to my computer and you don't.

I know van wouldn't lie to me about seeing blid online after the game.

I know angelfire wouldn't lie about not being in game.

I know oojordanus logged in right after infern0 logged out.

I know blid behavior muting me is not protocol for blid.

I know jordan said he didnt play that game.

I know jordan and swift would both stay in the same game for a grudge match.

So like I said piss off.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 10:04:51 PM by XuRnT »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #278 on: October 03, 2019, 11:33:30 PM »
At least 1 proven incorrect statement there.. and a shit ton of strictly assumptions/speculation with the rest

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #279 on: October 03, 2019, 11:41:52 PM »
Not going in circles with you tk.

I know what happen to my computer and you don't.

Harry: I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and say maybe it did happen to further troll you since you were taking everything so serious. Fuel to the fire because they think you have cried wolf at this point.

I know van wouldn't lie to me about seeing blid online after the game.

Harry: I believe that.

I know angelfire wouldn't lie about not being in game.

Harry: I believe Angel was not in that game.

I know oojordanus logged in right after infern0 logged out.

Harry: Just sounds like coincidence. Might be more but this is more coincidental "proof " than proof of something. More like circumstances leading up to something possibly but without any raw evidence, this is just a coincidence.

I know blid behavior muting me is not protocol for blid.

Harry: Torn on this one. It is/was getting out of hand and I think a break was needed for everyone but is muting fair? Probably not.

I know jordan said he didnt play that game.

Harry: No idea, didnt speak to Jordan at all. Didn't you say he was on a smurf or on a dif name in that game?

I know jordan and swift would both stay in the same game for a grudge match.

Harry: This one confuses me. Wasn't this whole thing that you allegedly played Kyle on oojordanus in the first place and that you beat "kyle"?

So like I said piss off.

Offline Lone

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #280 on: October 04, 2019, 05:05:24 AM »
"I know what happen to my computer and you don't."

Screenshots in your wc2 folder were magically edited right?

You could try:

Similarly you could find and analyze network logs.

If you can't find anything with the above, then ask for help from whoever you know. Maybe tupac/lance could at least give you some pointers!

The rest of the sentences staring with "I know" will not solve your issue.

Offline Lambchops

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #281 on: October 04, 2019, 06:20:32 AM »
Nothing is wrong in this list, maybe only Xul wich im not sure, the rest is completly them.

Nah... some of it is right tho.

As Marsellus Wallace said best, "The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps."

Massive bonus points for quoting Marsellus.

i just posted the results.

Since you are so interested, BabyShark has been away on a family vacation, so the server has been quieter than usual and she won't be replying this troll attempt.
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #282 on: October 04, 2019, 06:20:48 AM »

Why are you guys cares about burnt?

I care about burnt because he is good for the game, and that's what we are here for.

He's a good host. He makes fun games, has an inclusive attitude and doesn't go around looking for any excuse to be an asshole. On that basis alone he's worth 10 tks.

Speaking as someone who has had their stuff hacked before (not by anyone here), I will say that it makes you question EVERYTHING. This is a perfectly normal response to a very unsettling situation.

A sane person finding a big spider in their boot may yell and jump around like a crazy person for a bit. This is actually normal behaviour.

Yes people smurf, cheat and conspire while playing this game. This we know. IDK who did what and when in this case, and TBH I really don't care, but thinking that this might have happened is not silly. The only silly part is thinking that anyone really cares about it.

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #283 on: October 04, 2019, 08:01:46 AM »
Lol Lone

If you know something just say it. I never did you wrong like they have done me. I'm not looking to press criminal charges on any of them either.

Look at what kind of friend I was to van.

Look at what kind of friend I was to blid.

Look at what kind of friend I was to swift.

Look at what kind of friend I was to jordan.

Look at what kind of friend I was to viruz.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 08:20:34 AM by XuRnT »

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Re: Burnt!
« Reply #284 on: October 04, 2019, 11:11:16 AM »
reposted this on the next page so it's easier to find
« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 11:25:16 AM by Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) »