Claw - I don't need to look at whatever Warvid of mine you're referring to because I am confident there is no signs of hacking in any of them, because I've never edited one. I spent my good days, 06-08, putting a lot of effort into proving to you all that I play fair. To this day I will take any SS, Warvid, live stream, put a camera on a stand right next to me as I play, or any other idea one can think of. It just needs to be the person(s) I am playing that request such, not watchers. Cheaters won't offer that 10 years running, so go ahead and continue to waste your valuable time looking for something that isn't there.
P.S. You aren't as smart as you tell yourself and everyone you are. Remember when you came to me for my War2 advice/opinions? You asked me what the best strategy(or strategies?) is, as if there is some definitive known answer to that. I told you that there really isn't, but you couldn't wrap your head around that and went around talking shit to others as if I were the moron in that exchange. I always thought you to be closed-minded. Thanks for proving the same.