Lol Lance explain to me how I can make precision movements in PBall which is always played on Fastest?
Simple. It's just an illusion, you think you're doing things as fast as are possible and it makes you think that it's your skill, but it really isnt. Just because the units move faster doesnt mean they are doing things as quickly/efficiently as they could be
It's a solid fact that network latency effects the game's latency. That isnt debatable. What is debatable is that you misconstrued this latency as some sort of skill. Just because you can kill X amount of units in a hurry doesnt mean more units could have been killed at a slower speed. The fact is that the ONLY speeds that are near local latency are the "faster" and below speeds. EF isnt even at local speed but the difference between EF and F is FAAAAR greater than the difference between Faster and EF. The difference between Faster and EF is almost not even noticeable (but to me it is, to you it wouldnt be from the sounds of things).
See, the slower things are, the more strategy comes into play as you said yourself, no one would play PBall on a slower speed because it becomes to "predictable". This simply translates to "It becomes to difficult" because it's at that point that actual skill would come into play. The slower things are, the better you have to be at the game itself in ALL aspects, not just 1 or 2 like in PBall.
Here is an interesting scenerio. Take someone like myself who has NEVER played a single PBall game and then pit them against you and set the speed at Fastest. Who's likely to win? You because you have the advantage of "time" having played it for so long. Ok, so now lets reverse it and take "time" away from you. Let's play PBall on FAST or Slow. This removes the time element and brings into play actual game skill. I'd be willing to bet that I would fair FAR better on a slower speed and possibly even win simply because my skill with war2 itself is far greater. Now try the same scenario with a PBall player and a real map like Pos or GOW. No matter WHAT game speed you set it at, they would get completely and utterly destroyed, it wouldnt even be close. Why? Because "time" isnt a skill. It's time and nothing more.