dunno what is it with cheap mouses, who told ppl that a cheap mouse must be small? visited 3 stores looking for a cheap mouse they were all small. cept for one that was decent sized, so i bought that one.
but the shitty mouse's wheel got fucked the 3rd day so i went in for a refund and got myself this mouse [pic]
its so shitty small so i added the toilet paper with tape to give it some grip rofl. it kinda works.
im moving and having several expenses cant be bothered buying a $50 mouse.
this laptop cost me $100 ffs
(dual core, 160gb, 4gb ram, 15.6)
if anyone wants to donate me paypal im all for it haha
also need to buy an external keyb cuz this stupid laptop has a FN KEY where the ctrl key is supposed to be.
(already did the research, the FN key is unmappable by software, and lenovo did a swap fn-ctrl key feature on bios on later laptops but not this one.. found a usermade bios that does it but not worth the risk)