here's a little insight tk -
1. money doesn't make someone a baller no matter how much you think it does
2. just because someone has money doesn't mean they go around traveling the world, driving nice cars, fucking everyone and doing every which drug or buying 10 houses and living some fantasy life. nevertheless, you think i'm on war2 way more than i am. i haven't been on the game in months, and i never played mid day like u said, not in a long time have i done that with any regularity. also, aside from that day with gn like 3-4 days ago i am pretty much absent from the forums for the most part, with a few posts here and there.
3. as for getting more pussy than a rich guy, you have no idea. i'll let you on a little secret that you aren't aware of, guys with money can go to bars and women just flock to them, it's like they smell it. here's one reason, besides the fact that you don't got much money, that you aren't aware of this. You know that girls will downplay the truth when asked by fat/ugly guys if looks matter, "oh looks matter a little but personality is most important" but you, as a moderate to good looking guy know that that same girl will ditch that fat ugly fuck in a half second at the club as soon as a good looking guy bats an eye at her. It's the same with $, women say it's not as important as things like looks/personality. But when people with normal $/careers aren't around, they'll fully admit that guys with $, good careers etc turn them on and that they are attracted to money, and they are turned on and consider such guys alpha, etc. some of even are bad enough to admit they only like u for your money etc. it's not like a small percentage of women who are like this either, it's the majority. it wouldn't even be fair, i'd need to go bankrupt first before we compete on that one