THIS IS THE #1 PROBLEM WITH WAR2RUNo I dont, and I'm actually thinking of leaving after seeing the videos from the "chop chop" newbie starter pack. I thought war2 would be simpler than newer RTS but this is all getting too complex for me.
60men pball
- Games last 2 to 5 minutes
- A player joins a game, having never played or heard of Warcraft II before, and instantly understands the map and what he needs to do
- Expert players do not ban newbs because the game is short, they are not committing to a long boring game against a newb opponent
- 60men players such as myself actually help teach newbs
- Newb learns how to play
- Newb tells his friends to make accounts so he can own them at 60men
- Average game lasts 15-30minutes, some even longer
- A newb joins, is asked s9, says what? and is banned without explanation, over and over and over
- Eventually the newb sneaks into a game and isnt banned, the game starts and he has no idea what is going on
- Gets made fun of
- Newb never learns how to play, builds resentment for the community as a whole
- Leaves War2 forever and tells his friends how shitty of an experience he had
Why 60men is key to War2RU
survival, and GoW is key to War2RU
NO TIME SPENT LEARNING THE GAMENew players are LAZY. They do not want to spend time learning a game from 1995 and spend hours and hours learning all its building dependencies etc.
Its like CoD. Even if its your first time ever playing or seeing it, you know what to do. You know where the trigger button is and that your objective is to shoot the other guys. THATS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW. (to start, then, after youve already played a few times, you can start figuring out what you can do to improve)
SHORTER GAME TIMES Also, most new players and players in general dont want to commit a half hour to a game. But 2-5 minutes is a much smaller commitment, Resulting in more people playing more frequently
GAMES CREATED MORE FREQUENTLYDue to the smaller time commitment, more players will be playing, but also if you miss a game, you only have to wait 2-5minutes for the same group to make another game. This is what will keep even a small community alive is fast games. If theres 16 players online playing 2 games and they just started, you might have to wait a half hour or longer for anyone to join your game. but if 16 players are playing 60men, you only have to wait 2-5 minutes to jump in a game
60men players MAY migrate to become GoW players
60men will get newbs to start playing, then they are more likely to later become GoW players, but I see it as very unlikely a new player will start with GoW and stick around for longer than a day or two here