Author Topic: can we make a map using all 4 tile sets into 1?  (Read 5833 times)

Offline Warbux

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can we make a map using all 4 tile sets into 1?
« on: February 24, 2025, 07:15:30 PM »
it would be cool if we could make a map using all 4 tile sets into 1 .. like half snow half forrest

Offline Mistral

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Re: can we make a map using all 4 tile sets into 1?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2025, 11:26:35 AM »
it would be cool if we could make a map using all 4 tile sets into 1 .. like half snow half forrest
i maked plugin that allows some parts of map to be from different tileset
but the problem is that game have only 256 colors so they will all use palette from 1 tilset
but you can make like more tiles variants for if you really want, just need to be in same palette colors

Offline dannyldd

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Re: can we make a map using all 4 tile sets into 1?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2025, 10:20:35 AM »
Yes and No.

Referring to what Ed said above, I can somehow make a thing like this to work but not in the nearby future.

On current mods, I've around 25 differen tilesets. Including the ones from base game.

Some of them share the same color palettes for the whole tileset sheets. So then its possible to combine. But i dont have them planned to do for now.

Not sure if this was ever possible in Starcraft 1 though. Combining different tilesets like snow + wasteland + space. Maybe its possible but the game may have same issue about color palette files.

It's a good idea, though.

I planned to use this feature from multiple tilesets, thanks to Ed, to make Ramps for example in War2.

This could be possible but Ed said vision would still be an issue since it not works like Starcraft AND... there's no tech to make hits fail like in Starcraft where like 30-40% of shots miss on high ground