Author Topic: Invitation to play w/ QoL packs for single/multiplayer  (Read 6342 times)

Offline dannyldd

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Invitation to play w/ QoL packs for single/multiplayer
« on: December 03, 2024, 08:08:30 PM »

hey buds, danny here.

What is this?

this is a mod intended to provide Quality of life features for Warcraft 2, whether they're visual, audio, game mechanics or game re-balance.

Hopefully i can incorporate more individual features into the last mod package, so you can pick up one of them for your usage.

The features in this mod, depending of each sub-package are intended to work mostly for Single player, yet some of them can potentially work for Multiplayer. I will let you know on each sub-package on each description if they work for single or multiplayer.

The features in here are new generation modding features being packed up on each sub-package, that could came up since around late 2019 and onwards.


The main mod package contains a sub-folder with  package number. Some of these can be combined with others and some of them are universal, aka: they can be used with base game or combined with more complex mods, to provide basic features that can potentially improve your warcraft 2 experience.

Default features for Packs with custom tilesets:
-Footman shield sprite
-Paladin sprite with yellow eyes when researched upgrade.
-Rangers with hood, after ranger upgrade
-Rain of Fire spell, instead of Blizzard. It has icon, sound effect and respective hotkey
-Heal from Warcraft 1, icon and sound effect
-Scorpion critter in Tilesets like Desert or Beach
-Spider critter on RainyValley tileset
-Hell critter in ZergCraft tileset
-Custom orc/human farm sounds from War2 alpha
-Dwarves with custom sprite, basically with larger sword
-Custom torpedo (submarines) sprite,  exorcism, death knight basic attack

Pack 1:
Custom tilesets:
Instead of Forest, ZergCraft: originally extracted by Incos - community member and packed it up in a whole new tileset, fixed by me. This tileset is based on the mythical screenshot & mockup being released on the internet about Starcraft 1 alpha, aka: Orcs in space. The tileset never was released but this is my biggest attempt to bring to life this tileset for people.
Instead of Winter, Glacier: original author is unknown
Instead of Wasteland, Desert Woow (Weapons of our Warfare): Tileset by Alexander Cech in Weapons of our Warfare mod.
Instead of OrcSwamp, Night Forest. Tileset by Alexander Cech in Weapons of our warfare mod

Universal, works for single/multiplayer.

Pack 2:
Custom tilesets:
Instead of Forest, War1 Forest v2: made by me from scratch, fixed up from a very old tileset sheet on windows 98.
Instead of Winter, Glacier: original author is unknown
Instead of Wasteland, Desert Woow (Weapons of our Warfare): Tileset by Alexander Cech in Weapons of our Warfare mod.
Instead of OrcSwamp, Hell: Unknown author

Universal, works for single/multiplayer.

Pack 3:
Custom tilesets:
Instead of Forest, War1 Forest v3: made by me from scratch.
Instead of Winter, Snowstorm: originally made by Incos, community member and fixed by me.
Instead of Wasteland, Beach: unknown author
Instead of OrcSwamp, wetland: Unknown author

Universal, works for single/multiplayer.

Pack 4:
Custom tilesets:
Instead of Forest, RainyValley Final: originally made by Incos, fixed by me.
Instead of Winter, Snowstorm: originally made by Incos, community member and fixed by me.
Instead of Wasteland, Beach: unknown author
Instead of OrcSwamp, War1 Swamp v1: made by me from scratch.

Universal, works for single/multiplayer.

Save Load Fix plugin:
-In short terms, Warcraft II since its DOS version has issues with Save-reloading where computer bugs out and stops working properly. Blizzard never fixed up these bugs. With this plugin, all of that is solved. Thanks to Ed gorod by his plugin. More info in sub-pack.
It can work universally with any other mod. Highly recommended to have way more functional AI to play against. If you play VS comps with OTHER people, ALL OF THEM need to have this plugin file in plugin folder.

Save load fix + AI Fix plugin:
-It provides save load fixes, from previous sub-pack, but here combined with AI FIX PLUGIN. If you want more info about AI Fix functionalities for War2, you can visit in:
Dont attempt to combine this plugin with previous Save Load Fix Plugin on Plugin folder. It may cause bugs.

How to install & play?
- Process is:

1) Install War2 Combat, being provided by russian community in or All the options by default on installer.

2) Some of the sub-folders contain a so called "War2patch.mpq". Just place it on your main War2Combat folder, then just play.

3) Some of the sub-folders contain a plugin .w2p file. Just place it in your Plugin folder from War2Combat.


Contact & support:
If you would like to give me any feedback, then dont hesitate to join my both streaming channels:

I would appreciate if you can donate any money contribution you can to my paypal address:

Good luck & have fun
« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 10:27:57 AM by dannyldd »

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Invitation to play w/ QoL packs for single/multiplayer
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2024, 04:50:10 AM »
You are doing good job by keeping the modding scene alive.
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline dannyldd

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Re: Invitation to play w/ QoL packs for single/multiplayer
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2024, 08:39:03 PM »
v1.3 updated

- fixed some previous bugs with custom ranger hood/berserker horns/blue ogre mage sprites.
- now included Rally point Plugin that is universal for base game (single player), custom maps (single player) or any other mod that is single player
- feature that now allows Comps to destroy player walls, if some wall is blocking its path towards a player unit, instead of chilling next to a wall then computer unit will attempt to destroy it.
- ***repairable*** catapults / ballistas. Any single player map, even custom ones.

Offline dannyldd

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Re: Invitation to play w/ QoL packs for single/multiplayer
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2024, 07:25:54 PM »

Updated to v1.5.

Added up Pack 7:

Since there're some mods that already include the feature I call as: New Generation Audio System (NGAS) for Warcraft II, I decided to add up this feature as an Universal feature for Warcraft II from now on.

This system is already available in other mods like Universal patch v11:

or Road of heroes:

NGAS is basically a new generation modding feature that allows to stop hearing spammy audio voice acting files for Unit/Buildings in Warcraft 2.
It has a small delay between each audio units nor buildings, so you don't hear them one after another by right clicking or alternating group controls.

This pack is Universal so can combined with base game or with the other packs you found around this mod thread about QoL features.

The way to install is simply copying NGASfiles folder to your main War2Combat folder, then the plugin file: pluginNGAS.w2p has to be copied in your Plugin folder. Then just go and play.