If you link your project in the mods section I wouldn’t mind trying it. I support the no upkeep. Is it the main 4 races in Warcraft 3?
Well I didn't release anything of it yet as it still needs some final touches like placing a cap on the amount of units a spell can hit because reduced collision unintentionally meant spells like frost nova can damage 24 units which is OP too OP my mod has some crazy balance changes but to damage 24 units ? Hell nah man thats insane another thing is I assigned buffed versions of spells for campaign heroes thus breaking the game triggers that automatically picked spells for story heroes I need to properly fix those to prevent players from picking certain abilities in some missions imagine you can pick unholy aura in undead mission 1? Instead of having death coil automatically picked for you? Gonna need some polishing there to launch it.
Yes its only the 4 races with some changes for balance like priestess of moon being stronger while having the same spell kit basically she is a high stat hero with a average spell kit this was done to make her the easiest hero to play with when starting Night elf it also makes sense as a priestess would be the most willing to help new comers or something like that.
Lore has been used as inspiration for some balance changes like the huntress becoming a tier 2 unit with a weaker elune grace as she takes 95% dmg from pierce attack set to be 100% dmg in release version.
So yeah no new races as combined with all the balance changes the changes for armor the collision change the all units costing 1 food the model swaps for some campaign heroes and units like skeleton orcs looking like warcraft 2 grunts with 2 shoulder pads instead of 1 all these are more than enough more races would make it way way too much add on it the fact that new races would make the game unstable , and it would take a good amount of coding to do so which I can't do.
The best coding I did was add new AI functions to make AI train forest trolls in human mission 2.