I've never watched your stream or any of its videos before and stumbled across this:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/957731241 @ 4m13s where you busted out in like utter glee, hugging yourself, looked like you may even shaking and proclaiming a 3v4 win against u8. Not sure how you came up with that math and he sure as shit wasnt your neighbor. But I really like the enthusiasm that you showed at the end, all happy and stuff, that's what war2 is all about. I've done that a few times (although they were like, legit situations that called for it, this one was a little... erm, iffy haha). I can barely understand a word you said but it is nice to see players have fun on war2 even if it was from noob bashing

You should find a way to make that short little outburst of yours into a signature somehow, it would be great.