Dude... the way you speak tells me 2 things. The first one is that whatever pills you need, you're not taking them and second, you got something to prove. Do you know that nobody other than you care about who's the best?
Makes me wonder where in your life your narcism and your feeling of being the center of the world came from.
What happened between your ears that made this super old game played by dozens of people around the world the center of your universe? This game is so important to you that you can argue on the same thing for decades!

. You know I recommended to u8 not to 1v1 you ever again? Here's why! It's a loose loose situation. Even though he would probably win most of the games, a win would only wake the baby inside of you and make you angry. You would surely accuse him of some sort of hacks again because that's the way you are. And on the other side, if by some miracle you win this, you would brag about it for decades to come and talk about THAT DAY you know?
There is no point in having a match. And I think, and this is just me, that he would actually do it even while aware of that loose loose situation. That's how fair play he is.
But you, for no real reason, except those your deranged brain came up with, won't even do it. That's how low you are.
Being jealous of U8 is all right. And understandable. He's more successful than you, he streams less, he's got more viewers, more support of any kind and he doesn't even speak nor show his face. That should be enough for you to know you are doing something wrong. The harsh way of putting it is that you are despicable, annoying and you say stupid things. Like very stupid. People whispers between each others while on your stream laughing at you. And I've seen it, I've been there. And hell, I laughed too xD
you were telling people that blizzard was run by lizzard people because of its name, B-lizzard.
You told us the CIA came in the chat of war2ru.
You told us someone threatened you by creating an account with the name John56. And you actually freaked out so bad that you changed your name for delete me now lol! All that because you were unveiling a monstrous giant zombie network using people's computers to do stuff.
You said Cel was a russian ai. Dude... a russian ai are you nuts? You believe in lizzard people, in government conspiracies.
And then your repeated toddler tantrums turns every bits of respect we could have for you into pity.
But you know what they say... Arguing with a fool makes you even more foolish so I must be the kind of the fools to argue with you. Or is it just boredom again? Anyway, hope you enjoyed the text. Meditate and take your meds chimp