someone to lag the first 5-10 seconds of the game and then be good the rest of the game
It's too hard to close all shitty software BEFORE switch to the game?
Also Alt-Tabbing lag is a annoying behavior of a watcher. Perhaps using Alt + Enter will help.
if the winning player is having a lag spike
This * is kinda less 1% of all games.
you can't stop lag spikes, they happen
If YOU can't stop or minimize it - need to work for some better connection method (or ISP)... not to spoil other people's games by ruining micro, not to force others to wait pointlessly in
90% or more of cases.
Q.E.D: you are lagging and want to keep others waiting, very selfish - same as using lagging Wi-Fi when cable can be easily obtained.
"Let's wait for the lagging man" is a matter of goodwill from the rest of the players.
If ppl really want to play with lagger, because they want to finish fair game or just because he is good/neutral person, they
will wait after 5 seconds have elapsed anyway.