~`~` GaMe ReVieWs `~`~
Five star games
tetris: solid tetris game
pacman: good pacman game
Four star games
Three star games
pingpong: the ball physics are bad sometimes but the game is ok. i think curveball is superior but theres room for both games
donkey kong: same level over and over... a bit repetitive but it works
asteroids?? havent played it much, just enough to find ghost bullets appearing but otherwise seems ok
Two star games
avoider: simple concept but fun, except it's brkoen. it bugs and pieces get stuck, which allows for scores that cant be beat otherwise. if it werent for that it'd be cool
frogger2: not a great frogger game
breakout: pretty bare bones version, kind of crappy. had it as a three star game but realized it belongs with frogger2.
One star games
duckhunt... it's a great port of the game but it just goes on forever. no point wasting your time trying to set a score if it's just a matter of wasting time the longest
frogger... a worse frogger game than frogger2
tetris2... okay, but an inferior version of tetris
nblox... basically same as tetris but doesnt submit scores
i hgavent played (not much interest):
target shoot
are any of these any good?