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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #60 on: November 12, 2020, 04:49:40 AM »
Let me tell you something, if i was you, i would delete that damn forum before someone with some brain and more capacities then me start to investigate at ur criminal organisation.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 05:24:51 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #61 on: November 12, 2020, 05:34:49 AM »
All I said you back then was common sense and still is...

If people can make map hacks for SC2, there is no reason to think it is possible to stop people from hacking a game like war2 which files and executable haven't changed in 25 years.
This is just a fairy tale and I am too old to start believing in one. I dont believe u8 is a hacker he never hid anything from anyone he always said he had modified his shortcuts there was no secrecy around that what so ever.

Just have a look at how u8 plays on his stream and you can tell he wins based on just good decisions based on informations visible on screen nothing more.
I also believe hacking is a non problem in our community anyways, we are a very small number of people no one forces anyone to play with anyone so if you do not like/trust someone you can just avoid playing him.

We have no random match making or anything of the sort what so ever, so ELO is almost irrelevant and ladder certainly is totally worthless. I am sorry, your rank doesn't mean shit, not when you can choose who you play against and when, not when we have less than 50 players that actually play at a decent level on a somewhat regular basis.

As long as players will be able to choose their games (for example only playing against players when they are exhausted, drunk or at the end of the day or during night time for them, or just on a day he seem to perform very badly etc...) there will be no point climbing that shit up it is just pointless.

There is just no sense in trying to have a competitive scene. None.
I understand I may upset a lot of people and that some people like you, really really need something to be proud of in life. But even then, I cant imagine anyone being that much retarded that he would hack his way up such that stupid ladder and then be proud about it... There is already not much pride left anyways...
I understand we do have some mentally challenged people in our community just maybe not that much :rofl:

Based on that I totally dont care if people stream snipe or else, when it happens it is just a game I loose or another griefed game, it sucks yes, and so what? I'm a grown man I am not going to cry about it... Ill just start the next one and if I really disliked playing with one other dude or if I thought he hacked ill boot him and continue playing without him as I am pretty sure all other normal players do. Before long the guy will have no one to play with...

If the only reason you play war2 is to be able to say you are the best at a 25 years old, deserted, game. Well congratulations, you certainly have very unique yet pathetic goals in life but dont assume everyone else has the same goals.

Ranking is just one way of knowing another player's strength but it will never replace watching him play. If people respect Lone or u8 it is not because they are 1 on the ladder regularly it is because they do play very well. That is why people respect them u8 could be 999th on the ladder if he plays the way he plays now people would still think highly of him...

That my friends is the hard truth.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 05:37:47 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #62 on: November 12, 2020, 05:50:08 AM »
For the sake of everyone I would totally encourage anyone that wants to investigate to have a look yes!

I dont mind at all actually, either they wont find anything which is probable because I dont believe there is anything to find or they find proof there is something wrong and then I was a fool and at least we dont just have conspiracy theories and other stupid baseless claims and we all know better.

So there is no loosing scenario here...

Why do you think I always send files for review to various virus labs. Because I am lazy to do all the checks myself yes, but also because I like having other people look at these things after all if it is all legit we have nothing to fear from oversight now do we?

But if someone does the check and finds nothing would you have to trust him then? Or would you rather trust someone that said he find something even if it is untrue or unproven?

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2020, 06:08:38 AM »
All I said you back then was common sense and still is...

If people can make map hacks for SC2, there is no reason to think it is possible to stop people from hacking a game like war2 which files and executable haven't changed in 25 years.
This is just a fairy tale and I am too old to start believing in one. I dont believe u8 is a hacker he never hid anything from anyone he always said he had modified his shortcuts there was no secrecy around that what so ever.

Just have a look at how u8 plays on his stream and you can tell he wins based on just good decisions based on informations visible on screen nothing more.
I also believe hacking is a non problem in our community anyways, we are a very small number of people no one forces anyone to play with anyone so if you do not like/trust someone you can just avoid playing him.

We have no random match making or anything of the sort what so ever, so ELO is almost irrelevant and ladder certainly is totally worthless. I am sorry, your rank doesn't mean shit, not when you can choose who you play against and when, not when we have less than 50 players that actually play at a decent level on a somewhat regular basis.

As long as players will be able to choose their games (for example only playing against players when they are exhausted, drunk or at the end of the day or during night time for them, or just on a day he seem to perform very badly etc...) there will be no point climbing that shit up it is just pointless.

There is just no sense in trying to have a competitive scene. None.
I understand I may upset a lot of people and that some people like you, really really need something to be proud of in life. But even then, I cant imagine anyone being that much retarded that he would hack his way up such that stupid ladder and then be proud about it... There is already not much pride left anyways...
I understand we do have some mentally challenged people in our community just maybe not that much :rofl:

Based on that I totally dont care if people stream snipe or else, when it happens it is just a game I loose or another griefed game, it sucks yes, and so what? I'm a grown man I am not going to cry about it... Ill just start the next one and if I really disliked playing with one other dude or if I thought he hacked ill boot him and continue playing without him as I am pretty sure all other normal players do. Before long the guy will have no one to play with...

If the only reason you play war2 is to be able to say you are the best at a 25 years old, deserted, game. Well congratulations, you certainly have very unique yet pathetic goals in life but dont assume everyone else has the same goals.

Ranking is just one way of knowing another player's strength but it will never replace watching him play if people respect Lone or u8 it is not because they are 1 on the ladder regularly it is because they do play very well. That is why people respect them u8 could be 999th on the ladder if he plays the way he plays now people would still think highly of him...

That my friends is the hard truth.

The probleme is not that you guys cant stop hackers, but the fact that you hide for many years the server is full of hackers... Even worst, not only you guys try to hide the fact there hackers whos hack the mpq for over 20 years but also try to make believe peoples are crazy to believe it.

Now you dont believe u8 is a hacker cuz he told you he was editing the mpq?

So if i follow ur logic, if i told you that i am editing the mpq to have map hack it will not be hacking cuz i told you truth? Lol dude....

U8 and way much more have literally hacks the mpq for years and years, and the fact that you try to act like it's not hacking, show how disonest you guys are.

If you guys were just a bit man and told us, you know what, we are sorry, we have been selfish and use programmar abilitys to gain advantage over other players while they dont even realize what happen here and we will try to fix that probleme the better as we can, then maybe you guys will be forgive and be a little bit more trustable.

But at the end you still try to act like everything is normal and we are all a bunch of retarded who dont have programmar knowlege to edited aka (hack) a code source gaming aka (mpq) to gain advantage over other peoples even if it's look fucking useless to ur eyes.

Now you are trying to act like if i worry about the ranking ladder, but never in my life i try to hack peoples, so i probably dont worry that much? If i was worring that much i would try to hacks like everyone else do? No?

Maybe i just think it's sad to see a bunch of hypocrite liar trying to make believe everyone they care about that community while in fact they are just a bunch of lying hypocrites.

Maybe it's just the probleme.... Seing dumb ass weirdo acting like funny and happy while they hacked peoples for over the last 15 years, maybe just being dissrespected is the probleme? No?

But you know what, at the end, what you think dosent matter at all, cuz you have never done anything for this server.... You act like you are a programmar, but you cant even make the hotkeys software, actually you try to stole money peoples to do that software... Did you not told us you will made it for 200$?

Did you ever do something for this server cel? Do you have any skills at this game? I mean, who the fuck are you at the end? You seem like that weirdo who join the server in 2016 acting like he was part of the community for many years while in fact nobody have never see him? What was is name already... Oh rit, is that rit?? something like that... Dude just appear like that in 2016 trying to act big on the server and disapear in 2017 when i was gone...

You guys are all bunch of troll liar and manipulator, creating fake identity and fake modo and fake admin to keep control over the community when big decision need to be take...

Now you are there mixing everything up, ''we dont cares if peoples like u8 hacks cuz there no competition on this server and nobody cares''  Thats the message right here, right?

But guess what, if there only 10% out of 100% who want challenge and cares about hacking, then we gonna give them what they want and you gonna shut ur fucking mouth, you will let that 10% play there competition legitly and you will play ur weird ass game alone. Cuz you dont worth no shit on this server, the peoples whos have been a true identity for over 15 years and being a true part of this community cares! Not you! Thats the family who take decision at the end, not a fucking cyber criminal troll like you without a true identity, sit back kid, you have no power here.

If i want to make you ban from 70% of every games, then guess what, you gonna be ban out of 70% of every games, and the only things you gonna do is join u8 games and play weird maps with those peoples you hate that much, wich mean people from USA server that play weird map with you, because other then that, nobody gonna play with you, believe it kid!

Nobody cares of being the best of a 25 years old game, but peoples cares of being respected and not being cheated by a bunch of programmer hacker trolls who called them retarded cuz they are not programmar to hacks a code source.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 06:30:18 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2020, 06:22:45 AM »
For the sake of everyone I would totally encourage anyone that wants to investigate to have a look yes!

I dont mind at all actually, either they wont find anything which is probable because I dont believe there is anything to find or they find proof there is something wrong and then I was a fool and at least we dont just have conspiracy theories and other stupid baseless claims and we all know better.

So there is no loosing scenario here...

Why do you think I always send files for review to various virus labs. Because I am lazy to do all the checks myself yes, but also because I like having other people look at these things after all if it is all legit we have nothing to fear from oversight now do we?

But if someone does the check and finds nothing would you have to trust him then? Or would you rather trust someone that said he find something even if it is untrue or unproven?

Everything you guys made are flag as virus backdoor trojan on almost 99% of every antivirus.

The forum is flag as malicious, the client is flag as malicious, most of the add on are flag as malicious, everything about that server is flag as malicious in every damn antivirus or firewall.

Check other forum about war2ru topic and every other community who talk about that server, they all came at the same conclusion, they dont wanna join the server because it's flag as malicious.

It's ALL around the net, just need couple of minutes to realize it with some minimum search on google.

But i guess everyone around the world internet are retarded too and only war2ru staff and u8 understand everything, right.

PS: I maybe can understand that 15 years old client can be flag as malicious due the old programmation it include, but having the forum flag as malicious is something that is clearly not suppose to happen.

We both know it, kid.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 08:44:34 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2020, 06:38:19 AM »
I know who really love this game, cuz you know what, i have been with them for the last 15 years, but in my heart, you are not part of them, for now you are just a weird ass mofo who join cyber criminal and protect them, you dont make any sens.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2020, 06:39:58 AM »
If you really cared you probably would go out of your way and try to prove your claims yet you dont. You apparently just like throwing  :poo: at people without proof, this is visibly your thing congrats... It doesn't take long to send a file to an antivirus that flagged it as a virus to see if it was a false positive not long at all... Did you do it?

You keep pointing fingers and coming up with new conspiracy theory one after the other and expect people to take you seriously.

Yes I joined late the server in about 2016  totally not denying that woohoo congrats you have been here longer than me, so what now? You are running a mafia is that what you are trying to say? You will litterally tell your people who they should like and play with and who they should not? Are you the cool popular guy in high school now? So not only you are ready to force everyone to play and download your balance changes and now this  :rofl:  :sweat:

Holy cow no wonder why people talk behind your back... And I am the one who is shady and acts like a mob boss or a criminal or a tyrant?
Have a good look in the mirror my dude... Do people really like / follow you like this? is that what I am supposed to believe?

Edit : Also, sorry but the time you have been on the server has absolutely no value to me I care no more no less about you than I will for the next random dude that will join the server in the next years to come. Just because you have been there longer does not mean you are any less of an asshole or that you care / understand any more about the game than him. It just mean you have been there longer than him that is all...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 06:52:31 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2020, 06:48:27 AM »
If you really cared you probably would go out of your way and try to prove your claims yet you dont. You apparently just like throwing  :poo: at people without proof, this is visibly your thing congrats... It doesn't take long to send a file to an antivirus that flagged it as a virus to see if it was a false positive not long at all... Did you do it?

You keep pointing fingers and coming up with new conspiracy theory one after the other and expect people to take you seriously.

Yes I joined late the server in about 2016  totally not denying that woohoo congrats you have been here longer than me, so what now? You are running a mafia is that what you are trying to say? You will litterally tell your people who they should like and play with and who they should not? Are you the cool popular guy in high school now? So not only you are ready to force everyone to play and download your balance changes and now this  :rofl:  :sweat:

Holy cow no wonder why people talk behind your back... And I am the one who is shady and acts like a mob boss or a criminal or a tyrant?
Have a good look in the mirror my dude... Do people really like / follow you like this? is that what I am supposed to believe?

I dont have to run a mafia to get you boot out of a game, cuz it's gonna be done naturally, if we need room for someone, you gonna be the first to be boot over 70% of the community.

Nobody cares about you in the good or pro player cel, dont forgot i am the one who told peoples to let you join there games cuz everyone was booting you.

You can think what you want, but even if peoples talkshit in my back they always gonna boot you if i told them, people know who i am and what i does for this server, while they still try to figure who you really are.  :newthumbsup:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #68 on: November 12, 2020, 07:06:26 AM »
Good thing I am talking shit to your face then.  :kissing_heart:

I am a simple person I talk to people their truth and I dont talk shit on others in their back. I dont play petty schemes. This is why I defend U8 when you attack him without proof of hacking besides his shortcuts, just like I defended Tupac even if I did not trust him back then when people accused him of hacking the server without proof. Just like I defended you when people talked shit about you and I disagreed.
I dont play these stupid games but I am frank and if I think you are just acting like a douchebag I will tell you like it or not...

Now you can hate me for it I dont care, you can tell your friends whatever you want, in the end it is their loss if they only rely on you on that kind of judgement it would only mean they are not too bright these friends of yours...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 07:08:48 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #69 on: November 12, 2020, 07:11:22 AM »
Good thing I am talking shit to your face then.  :kissing_heart:

I am a simple person I talk to people their truth and I dont talk shit on others in their back. I dont play petty schemes. This is why I defend U8 when you attack him without proof of hacking besides his shortcuts, just like I defended Tupac even if I did not trust him back then when people accused him of hacking the server without proof. Just like I defended you when people talked shit about you and I disagreed.
I dont play these stupid games but I am frank and if I think you are just acting like a douchebag I will tell you like it or not...

Now you can hate me for it I dont care, you can tell your friends whatever you want, in the end it is their loss if they only rely on you on that kind of judgement it would only mean they are not too bright these friends of yours... Keep it up son

Yeah pretty sure that U8 saying himself that he hacked the mpq is not a proof lol.

I remember when you guys was trying to make believe peoples the lamp chop add on was hacking while it was an update in the new patch client, but u8 hacking the mpq for his own personal purpose is not hacking at all, i love how you are full of truth .  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 07:14:52 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #70 on: November 12, 2020, 07:18:00 AM »
He said he modified his hotkeys and his colors and made his custom campaign that is all...
He never said he hacked or played with an unfair advantage did he?
And all the changes he made to his MPQ he let people have. Hell he even ask random people if they want him to send them his MPQ on stream for the longest time...

How is that being untruthfull and unfair? Are you sure you are not the one being totally dishonest here attacking him on that?

I never said Lambchop made a hack I said it gives infos players do not normally have which creates an unfair advantage IF players do not know when people use the plugin or not (that was for the visible chop bars plugin). All I ever said about his plugin is I believed it would be best if there was a common way to know when a player is using that or not so that people do not feel cheated on...

Basically just said it is nice if people can disable or enable it in their games. Exactly the same stance I have about paladins auto-heal stuff. I believe it is better if it is bound to maps/scenario so that hosts can host and choose what they want to play.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 07:24:57 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #71 on: November 12, 2020, 07:43:32 AM »
Just answer this:

When a player warns me he will be watching me on stream even if I put him in the enemy team before I start the game, if I decide to still put him in the enemy team knowing that, am I still being cheated on? Or am I just allowing him that advantage and taking it into account?

The point is simple: cheating starts when you start hiding information not when you let it known before the game. If u8 joined my game and told me he had a map hack on, first I probably would not let him play but if I did well I would have only myself to blame for it...

Now if you tell me U8 is hacking the game behind other people's back and cheating on other players you need some proof of that, because that is an entirely different thing...

Offline Nox

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #72 on: November 12, 2020, 07:46:44 AM »
He said he modified his hotkeys and his colors and made his custom campaign that is all...
He never said he hacked or played with an unfair advantage did he?
And all the changes he made to his MPQ he let people have. Hell he even ask random people if they want him to send them his MPQ on stream for the longest time...

How is that being untruthfull and unfair? Are you sure you are not the one being totally dishonest here attacking him on that?

I never said Lambchop made a hack I said it gives infos players do not normally have which creates an unfair advantage IF players do not know when people use the plugin or not (that was for the visible chop bars plugin). All I ever said about his plugin is I believed it would be best if there was a common way to know when a player is using that or not so that people do not feel cheated on...

''He said he modified his hotkeys and his colors'' 

Yeah and guess how we call that?? Hacking fucking genius... And this is only what he told us, we dont fucking know everything he had modify, and probably nobody would know about his hotkeys and colors if he was not streaming, so he would have never say it.... We only know what he told us, but what he can do with the MPQ have no limit and since he edit a campain he probably know everything about that entire code source and can do it for the multiplayer mode.

'' Cheating in video games involves a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, in order to make the game easier. [/b]Cheats may be activated from within the game itself (a cheat code implemented by the original game developers), or created by third-party software (a game trainer or debugger) or hardware (a cheat cartridge).

'' Modification of runtime game data

Cheating can easily be achieved by modifying the game's data while it is running. These methods of cheating are often less reliable than cheat codes included in a game by its creators. [b]This is due to the fact that certain programming styles or quirks of internal game logic, different release versions of a game, or even using the same game at different times or on different hardware, may result in different memory usage and hence the trainer program might have no effect, or stop the game from running altogether.[13] Modifying game data usually constitutes a violation of a software license agreement that prohibits modifying the program at all. ''

Now what U8 have done is this!

'' Game code modification
Many cheats are implemented by modifying game software, despite EULAs which forbid modification. While game software distributed in binary-only versions makes it harder to modify code, reverse engineering is possible. Also game data files can be edited separately from the main program and thereby circumvent protections implemented in software. ''

''Reverse engineering, also called backwards engineering or back engineering, is the process by which an artificial object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, code or to extract knowledge from the object. It is similar to scientific research, the only difference being that scientific research occurs for a natural phenomenon.[1]:3

Reverse engineering is applicable in the fields of computer engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, software engineering, chemical engineering,[2] and systems biology.[3]''

So is this not what U8 does? Did he not extract the MPQ of warcraft II and deconstructed his code source to know what exactly does what?? And when he find what does what he dint change the CODE source of the mpq himself to use it at his own personal purpose?

This is Hacking dude...

Using various method to get advantage over other loyal player that still play on the basic game that it suppose to be.

Ur boy is a fucking hacker, whatever you say, he is a fucking hacker and you protect him and telling other they are crazy.

Ur a shame dude, stop lying and manipulate peoples, thats the only fucking truth, u8 and many more have hacks, end of story, period, you all should excuse to the community.

U8 editing the code source for his own personal purpose is definitly hacking, even if it seem useless to ur eye, THIS IS HACKING, period!

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 07:56:38 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #73 on: November 12, 2020, 07:54:56 AM »
Cel you are waste ur time

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #74 on: November 12, 2020, 07:56:17 AM »
You are missing the most important part of all:

It is one thing that a lot of people have been looking and modifying the game but what makes them white hats is they are not doing it behind your back. This is how we got so many plugins and new things throughout the years...
They tell you everything they have done they are not doing it behind your back or whatever, this is what separates cheaters of the rest.

This would be different if they were actually doing that in your back without telling you. Now if you can prove me U8 is using a hack behind other people's back without letting people know about it then OK I will stop defending him. That is the deal...