Author Topic: paladins AOE passive auto heal  (Read 22552 times)

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2020, 12:32:32 AM »
Dont argue with this guy winchester, the only reason why he try to find excuses is... Because... If they change something like that, u8 and all mpq hackers will have to hacks the mpq again..

Hes protecting the cyber criminal right now.

He think peoples are dumb and we cant see what happen here, it's probably also because of the zombie network that they are running on us.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 12:35:52 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #46 on: November 12, 2020, 12:44:08 AM »
You are really one kind of a troll... What makes you think this would stop people from being able to change their MPQ files what so ever?

These are two entirely different things....

This would just change the common base client for everyone, not change the way all of the game works... The MPQs still will be there and MPQ editor too. It really does not take a genius to be able to figure that much... The more you say stuff like that the more I actually think you may really be just trolling... Or worse...

Zombie network... what ever lol... When you start to suspecting america never went to the moon and the illuminaty are running your local grocery store let us know. Are you a flat earth guy too? :rofl:

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 12:49:14 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2020, 12:57:40 AM »
You are really one kind of a troll... What makes you think this would stop people from being able to change their MPQ files what so ever?

These are two entirely different things....

This would just change the common base client for everyone, not change the way all of the game works... The MPQs still will be there and MPQ editor too. It really does not take a genius to be able to figure that much... The more you say stuff like that the more I actually think you may really be just trolling... Or worse...

Zombie network... what ever lol... When you start to suspecting america never went to the moon and the illuminaty are running your local grocery store let us know. Are you a flat earth guy too? :rofl:

We all know everytime that iL change something about the gameplay itself it corrupt the older version wich include the old mpq... If iL change something in the MPQ, u8 and every hackers would have to sett there mpq again because there old mpq will corrupt with the new one...

Even if it's a minor change.

We also know that it's pretty possible that iL is running a zombie network on this server since the LDIR period.

People actually dont understand that, but you cant fool me..

80% of these admins are cyber criminal, and you are one of them, 60% of the players are also programmar hackers.

Gonna be 15 years you guys are protecting hackers and cyber criminal, cant fool smart peoples anymore.

And by the Way, we already know who is the master in the art of trolling, (tro)ga(ll)(Art)..

You think i dont see inside you, ive seen tons of cute funny hypocrite like you in my life.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2020, 01:00:27 AM »
We have a community of maybe 300 players, but i would love to know how many peoples in the entire world have downloaded that software over 15 years.

That zombie network must be impressive, dont you think so ;)  :thumbsup:

How much you have been paid for being that super troll cel, a russian french guy who have been put in place to manipulate me, right?

I will always fight for my family, war2 belong to us, not a bunch of cyber criminal, You failed, you better kill me  :salty:
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 01:20:18 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2020, 01:21:32 AM »
You know absolutely nothing about me LOL there is 0% russian blood in me, I just happen to learn stuff for fun in my free time russian is one of these hobbies and that is enough for you to call me russian french why am I even surprised  :rofl:.

I am not an admin on this server, just a simple user like you (except much nicer than you). If I did not trust IL and thought really badly about all this I would not be hanging out here tbh. To be entirely honest if GOG actually did a good job at resurrecting for war2 I would be playing on GOG not here. And I am pretty sure IL would have closed RU and let / help them take over but sadly that did not happen and we are all stuck here until Blizzard oneday wakes up and get their shit together...

Remember when everyone was accusing Tupac of attacking the server and I was not? Well unlike you and most people out here I dont throw piles after piles of :poo: at people without proof. All I have ever accused people of doing is either things they admitted to do or stuff we have proof they did or stuff I at least tried to verify.

You have no problem dumping shit on every single person that disagrees with you without caring to even try checking if there is any truth to what you say.

This is why people keep saying you are stupid or whatever. Because they rather think you are stupid than just an entitled manipulative asshole bratt that haven't been taught any better...

Edit: Trog All Art you didnt even get that part right :rofl:
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 01:28:01 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2020, 01:29:11 AM »
You know absolutely nothing about me LOL there is 0% russian blood in me, I just happen to learn stuff for fun in my free time russian is one of these hobbies and that is enough for you to call me russian french why am I even surprised  :rofl:.

I am not an admin on this server, just a simple user like you (except much nicer than you). If I did not trust IL and thought really badly about all this I would not be hanging out here tbh. To be entirely honest if GOG actually did a good job at resurrecting for war2 I would be playing on GOG not here. And I am pretty sure IL would have closed RU and let / help them take over but sadly that did not happen and we are all stuck here until Blizzard oneday wakes up and get their shit together...

Remember when everyone was accusing Tupac of attacking the server and I was not? Well unlike you and most people out here I dont throw piles after piles of :poo: at people without proof. All I have ever accused people of doing is either things they admitted to do or stuff we have proof they did or stuff I at least tried to verify.

You have no problem dumping shit on every single person that disagrees with you without caring to even try checking if there is any truth to what you say.

This is why people keep saying you are stupid or whatever. Because they rather think you are stupid than just an entitled manipulative asshole bratt that haven't been taught any better...

Are you trying to act like you have now no probleme with tupac? Your probably the one on this server who hate tupac the most for absolute no reason.. Trying to act like tupac is evil cuz he told mousetopher facebook to everyone Lol....

You have literally say tons of time that if tupac came back admin on this server you will left the game for ever.

Your the biggest tupac hater that have never existed and now you act like there nothing wrong with tupac? lol

Why dont you just say truth, tupac was about to find something important about that server and iL had no choice to throw him out of the staff before it goes wrong, and now you guys are acting like he is the evil himself and he is dangerous for us.. If tupac want bad for us, that server will be harasse every fucking day.

But actually i really doubt something will happen to that server, at this point this server is protected way much more then we think and you guys just act like you are weak against someone like tupac, so everyone think this server is normal.

Those cyber criminal just seen that i was digged way to deep in this zombie network history since 2016 and they just find a troll like you to spy me and be the brain for them.

They find a troll like you who can speak french and also russian to translate everything i know and try to manipulate me at same time.

That zombie network probably worth millions of dollars in revenue, paying a troll like you is nothing for them... How much did they pay you? Mr i am not admin but i decide almost everything for iL.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 01:43:17 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2020, 01:33:38 AM »
Actually why everytime that we speak togheter you must came back with tupac all the time? It seem curious that you always speak about tupac when we talk togheter... Are you scare of me and tupac because you think tupac can protect me if something happen? Whats the point, that behavior is so fucking curious...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 01:40:11 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2020, 01:50:56 AM »
I never ever ever said I hate Tupac I said I do not trust him, two entirely different things, and I totally would stop anything I do with war2 here if he was to be admin here again.
Tupac is creepy AF and all I ever accused him of he admitted to do himself, and if you see nothing wrong with him being  in charge knowing the way he he acts on his anger and feelings its your own problem.

Also your version of the story differs from what IL had to say about the subject maybe you should ask him what he has to say about the whole situation you may learn some things.

I am not being paid by anyone for anything, IL and Tora and others asked me to be admin here but I refused many times, the only place I earned money from last year related to any of this is twitch when they gave me about 100$ after 4 years of content creation that was actually not related to war2 in anyways (game developement tutorials and game jams for an open source game engine (Godot)).

I dont know why the money I do is of such importance to you but whatever there you have it 100$ in 4 years woo I think you certainly have reasons to be jealous! If I was in all of this for the money I probably would have chosen another game and another source of content creation I am not THAT retarded tyvm...

DO I Need to show you a screenshot of my payout history from twitch to prove it now is that what you want to see?

Streaming on twitch can be lucrative just not for people like us, not while we stream that kind of content get over it... There is no money to be made out of war2 otherwise Blizzard probably would not have let the game die so badly....

Now that does not mean we cant work on growing our channels and try and get the hype growing for war2 but as it is now we are no way near any kind of worth. I streamed well over 200 hours last month for what 14$ potential revenue in maybe 4 years?... Dont you think as a programmer I wouldn't be able to find a better easier way to make money out of my free time? I do this because I love the game that is why I play it and comment it and that probably is obvious to anyone but you...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 02:01:14 AM by Cel »

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2020, 02:01:59 AM »
I never ever ever said I hate Tupac I said I do not trust him, two entirely different things, and I totally would stop anything I do with war2 here if he was to be admin here again.
Tupac is creepy AF and all I ever accused him of he admitted to do himself, and if you see nothing wrong with him being  in charge knowing the way he he acts on his anger and feelings its your own problem.

Also your version of the story differs from what IL had to say about the subject maybe you should ask him what he has to say about the whole situation you may learn some things.

I am not being paid by anyone for anything, IL and Tora and others asked me to be admin here but I refused many times, the only place I earned money from last year related to any of this is twitch when they gave me about 100$ after 4 years of content creation that was actually not related to war2 in anyways (game developement tutorials and game jams for an open source game engine (Godot)).

I dont know why the money I do is of such importance to you but whatever there you have it 100$ in 4 years woo I think you certainly have reasons to be jealous! If I was in all of this for the money I probably would have chosen another game and another source of content creation I am not THAT retarded tyvm...

DO I Need to show you a screenshot of my payout history from twitch to prove it now is that what you want to see?

Nobody cares about your twitch or tupac, why you bring so much stupidity and deviate the real subject. We talk about (you) protecting hacker and that zombie network and saying you are not admin when you literally say things like '' To be fair I dont even know why we are having this discussion in the first place that just wont happen :rofl: '' you are literally acting like one and laughin at us... Why are you also saying ''  and I totally would stop anything I do with war2 here if he was to be admin here again. '' I mean, for once maybe im wrong, maybe you are not paid by those cyber criminals to manipulate me, because you probably the worst stupid one they could find!! Everything you say make no sens at all. How stupid can you be, seem like there no limit.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 02:05:12 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2020, 02:13:35 AM »
Maybe this server is also a scientist experimentation about multiplayer gamers like us, a kind of mk ultra test.

Seing since many years how about peoples can be hang and fucked up there life for multiplayer games.

Maybe they just have study us?

Let's be honnest, it's pretty curious that a money grabber compagny like blizzard let a bunch of cyber criminals run that game and even shut down the entire sell of warcraft II for ever and just acting like they dont know about that criminal russian server.

I dont know what happen on this server, i dont know if it's zombie network, experimentation or maybe both of it, but something going wrong in here, it's pretty obvious.

And that guy that goes to joe rogan to talk about war2, what a fucking joke, think we are stupid at this point.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 02:19:01 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2020, 02:22:43 AM »
I know that will not happen because IL and Mistral have a brain and I trust them to be able to use it for these decisions that is why I dont need to be an admin...

Besides all of what you may say about them they are no tyrants, and they wont impose their own views and balance ideas on others like apparently you are advocating for.
They care about everyone including the oldest members and people that just want to play with their gog client or whatever and for which reinstalling all is just an unnecessary barrier that may just push them away.

They probably also know it is pointless to try and satisfy you since you probably will just throw shit at them the moment you run into any difficulty while installing/running the new version anyways.
And since you wont take the time to at least double check anything, why should they care?

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2020, 02:39:28 AM »
I know that will not happen because IL and Mistral have a brain and I trust them to be able to use it for these decisions that is why I dont need to be an admin...

Besides all of what you may say about them they are no tyrants, and they wont impose their own views and balance ideas on others like apparently you are advocating for.
They care about everyone including the oldest members and people that just want to play with their gog client or whatever and for which reinstalling all is just an unnecessary barrier that may just push them away.

They probably also know it is pointless to try and satisfy you since you probably will just throw shit at them the moment you run into any difficulty while installing/running the new version anyways.
And since you wont take the time to at least double check anything, why should they care?

'' i trust them '' You talk like you are the pope and you dont even realize it, Lol

And by the way, since you wanna talk about twitch, i would love to see you on cam... When it will happen?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 02:44:48 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2020, 02:59:40 AM »
Well that engages only me of course, I do trust them and I could be wrong I am not denying that.

And if I happened to be horribly wrong about everything I would admit it like I did everytime I have been wrong in the past.
And if there are proven criminal stuff happening here behind the curtain like you say I would just let everyone know and leave. I wouldn't be just messing around piling up conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory... Because if I did and I ever found any proof of wrongdoing how would anyone believe me?

You probably know the tale of the boy who cried wolf, well that is certainly fitting you not me...

Until then, I have yet to be proven wrong...

IDK about the cam honestly maybe oneday. It just is not really what I want my content to focus on for the moment. I kinda look up to channels like T90(aoe2) and Turin(warhammer) and although they now show their faces from time to time it really is not the reason I go to see their streams and I actually prefer it that way for some reason as a watcher too. But maybe oneday ill do it I am not definitive on that one...

Also since you do have your camera on all the time I am curious how it feels like and why for you it was important to have it there?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 03:10:25 AM by Cel »


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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2020, 04:10:55 AM »



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Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« Reply #59 on: November 12, 2020, 04:38:21 AM »
Well that engages only me of course, I do trust them and I could be wrong I am not denying that.

And if I happened to be horribly wrong about everything I would admit it like I did everytime I have been wrong in the past.
And if there are proven criminal stuff happening here behind the curtain like you say I would just let everyone know and leave. I wouldn't be just messing around piling up conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory... Because if I did and I ever found any proof of wrongdoing how would anyone believe me?

You probably know the tale of the boy who cried wolf, well that is certainly fitting you not me...

Until then, I have yet to be proven wrong...

IDK about the cam honestly maybe oneday. It just is not really what I want my content to focus on for the moment. I kinda look up to channels like T90(aoe2) and Turin(warhammer) and although they now show their faces from time to time it really is not the reason I go to see their streams and I actually prefer it that way for some reason as a watcher too. But maybe oneday ill do it I am not definitive on that one...

Also since you do have your camera on all the time I am curious how it feels like and why for you it was important to have it there?

Pretty sure you will never show urself on camera, wich cyber criminal show his face lol.

And you act and try to hide the fact that u8 and way much more have hack the mpq for years and we are all crazy...  You think it's ok to make me look crazy when you know it's true?

And now you are here telling me you would told us if there was a worldwide mafia zombie network.... Stop taking me like a fool lol.

You also came to me 2 months ago on discord telling me i was right and you cant do shit against hackers because they have edited and hacked the mpq for over 20 years..

That even if you try to stop them it will be a huge fail and you just cant do shit...

Thats mean it's just better to play like that and being friend with them and acting like everything is fair right?

Do you want the video and the audio, i record it.

Ur a joke bro lol

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 05:09:15 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.