Author Topic: is now a thing! :D  (Read 7875 times)

Offline Cel

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« on: May 24, 2020, 05:20:47 PM »
You know these times where you host a game and suddenly 3 4 players you never heard of arrive,
and you resort to spam the **** of the /stats and /finger commands in a desperate attempt to have a balanced and fun game but it is taking ages and is not really working so well?

Well now you have another option available : Have the lobby server page up on the side or on your smartphones and voilĂ !
One click and all the troubles go away, it is faster and more accurate balancing as well. And also you get a free nice new browser source to use if you are streaming that go with it  :slight_smile:

here is how it looks like when you use it aside from your windowed game:

And here is how the browser source can be integrated in your streams layouts:

Me and IL have been very active this week to improve the server's resilience and stability and bring you guys even more features and we hope you will like them!
Also this is the first version of it and updates might come in later like more visual feedback etc...
Let us know what you think!  :thumbsup:

Try it now! :D

Love war2!  :wc2:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 05:23:40 PM by Cel »

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2020, 05:34:58 PM »
For the browser source in OBS it is responsive and will adapt if you give it different sizes:
for two colums (the way I setted it up) give it a width of 500px
for one (all stacked up vertically) give it 250..
if you want to not display the map name you can remove it by adding a rule to your css and you can also change the style there of every element if you want it to have a different style  :thumbsup:

Edit: Also worth noticing if you have a very trusted viewer you can ask him to do it for you! Just ask him to give you his browser source link that way if you use that one instead in obs it will update like if it were you.
I personally do it for myself but hey that is something I thought about when doing it that could be nice for the more lazy ones out there :-)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 05:50:56 PM by Cel »

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2020, 06:32:22 PM »
Hes it only take Elo in consideration or it take other factor too?

Because i dont understand why this kind of team happen.

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2020, 09:15:38 PM »
So it will try to minimize the elo difference between the teams.
And secondly it will try to maximise the strenght of teams overall (or minimize it if you choose to prio lower elos)

Move the tolerance value down to 0 and you will have the lowest elo difference prevail all the time  :thumbsup:

Your tolerance mush be high enough that it sees both match ups as the same (meaning you with master or you with  angel for him is the same because of tolerance value being high) :-)

play with the settings until you find the ones you like best, worth notifiying you can drag and drop players the way you want them and also lock players in the teams you do not want them to move from for example.

PS: It can still sometimes bug though, for example sometimes it wont let you save a certain match up I am looking into these small things but yeah if you catch a behavior that is odd make sure you let me know Ill look into it!
Also since you are a streamer as well tell me if you have any trouble setting up the browser source :-)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 09:26:47 PM by Cel »

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2020, 10:33:45 PM »
Ok and why it always goes back to max team size 1 and players goes back in watcher?

can we save setting on max team size 4 ans always send players into team directly instead of always going back to watcher?
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2020, 11:52:54 PM »
Let me first say I will look into changing that behavior and how to make it nicer and thank you for the feedback  :slight_smile:

I can explain why it is logical basically when the number of players in the game changes the game becomes low, you cant have big teams pretty much it is checking that number of players and updating the possible size of teams accordingly though I could allow it to accept wrong max team sizes and change it as the suggestion program start running. As I said I will look into improving the page but this may be next iteration.  :slight_smile:

Offline Nox

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2020, 12:32:52 AM »
Let me first say I will look into changing that behavior and how to make it nicer and thank you for the feedback  :slight_smile:

I can explain why it is logical basically when the number of players in the game changes the game becomes low, you cant have big teams pretty much it is checking that number of players and updating the possible size of teams accordingly though I could allow it to accept wrong max team sizes and change it as the suggestion program start running. As I said I will look into improving the page but this may be next iteration.  :slight_smile:

Keep it up nice add on  :thumbsup:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2020, 06:42:56 AM »
I am glad you like it! I was wondering if I was going to be the only one to use it for a moment :rofl:
I did a bunch of modifications for V1.1:
- Added visual notification and text for when saving the lobby to know even if sound is off if that worked.
- Also added notification for the Suggestion button.
- Team size should now stay the way you put it as long as you do not ask for a suggestion, but the suggestion algo will change it to let you know if it had to use different team sizes than the ones you wanted (because you have not enough players for examlpe).
- The suggestion algo now will still have two part to it but will be more intuitive and reliable so unless the total strengh of teams differ that case should no longer happen.

If you have more feedback this is the time I will try and add what I can into that version.  :slight_smile:

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2020, 09:41:07 AM »
Oh bro i like almost every add-on programmars made for us!!! Untill it's release for public and everyone have acces to it.

But some old rats like TK do everything to keep there advantage secret.

We had one of the best programmar we never had like 8 months ago, he made some crazy add-ons for us, one of them was the chops indicator wich was one of the greateast add-on in 20 years, and tk harasse him so bad because he dint want that add on to be release for public, that he just desapear and we never see him again.

They are worried about chop indicator, an add-on that will help newbe, but they let pro players hacking the mpq.

The true face of our administration.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 09:47:50 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2020, 10:23:40 AM »
About the administration hacking thing rant:
War2ru is about making sure people can play with the original version of the game with no modification, without having crazy disadvantages (legally).

about chop addon :
That chop addon really gave a noticeable advantage to the guy having it since there is no way otherwise to get that information.
Same for the life bars etc it is cool but there is a huge advantage to having that information on display like this compared to having to select each and every units one by one to keep track.

I suggested back then to have some kind of indicator in game/lobby telling players if someone has the addons running or not and/or allowing players to host games "addon-free".
Just so that players that do not want to play with or against these addons can still do it without the feeling of getting unfair matches or getting cheated on.

Problem is war2 is an old game and unlike games on steam or else that have a clear workflow for these "workshops" there is no such thing in war2 and the safest bet is to just not allow these until we have a way to make them right.

Yes you can still cheat or hack but that is then going against the rules and you take the risk of getting caught.

About MPQs :
Honestly the only advantage you'd get with editing the MPQ probably is better shortcuts and I really am too lazy to dive into it just to change shortcuts since I am used to the old ones and I never cared that much about winning in the first place :P
However from what I've read there are plenty available MPQ editors/openers that allow you to extract modify etc files from these archives out there. I do not believe it would be hard for anyone to get that done but yet again I've never really cared enough to give it a try myself so...

Edit: Yeah I just googled "MPQ editor" and there are like 657946 results giving you links to download/install one. Again MPQ are just one type of archives like Zip or Tar etc...
They are just compressed folders with files in them if you want to use different shortcuts you should definitely try it for yourself.

I am maybe very optimistic but I do think you are very pessimistic in a way I really do not believe that there are that many hackers on the server as of today.

For example most cases of "dropping" are just because we have games that span players all over the globe in pure Peer to peer.
The other day I had Theboy from brazil dropping a russian player, while I am myself in france and we had justin and another from usa and one from Taiwan, pick a map draw the lines and you will understand pretty quick what really is taking place:

And sometimes it is pretty amazing to still be able to play these games in peer to peer like we do lol.

About the actual page:
What did you think about the sound? Do you think it is ok or should I make the page muted by default and you would have to click on the speaker to enable it? :-)

Also did you manage to add the browser source to your OBS and test it?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 10:54:30 AM by Cel »

Offline Nox

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2020, 11:12:01 AM »
Why war2ru is about making sure peoples can play with the original version? Its not Warcraft II, it's war2 ru, if i want to play warcraft II im gonna go on warcraft II server.. Simple as that... War2 Ru have been made to take control of this game because battle net was doing no more update at that time... So if we decide to take control of it, we can do whatever we want...

Why are those original version of battle net are so much important? Give me one reason why it's so important to keep those version linked to war2ru, but you cant cuz even iL cant answer that question.

Cuz the answer is simple, im gonna tell you bro, because those version are comming from 20 years ago, they are old, rigged and easy to hacks, people use those versions to hacks us and iL do nothing about it.

Those version also bring war latency corruption, wich mean at profesionnal level, a level that you dont have reach yet ( no offence ) make all the difference since you cant manage your ressource and micro properly... Some old school players know that and abuse of this war latency corruption...

Im gonna give you an easy exemple right here and you gonna understand.... You are s9, someone put a tower on your back that reach your gold mine, you realize there a tower and you want to pull off peons out of the gold mine... But you cant because war latency is so corrup by old version and there no war latency fix at all, so you just cant pull off peons out of the gold mine and you lose all of them... Some people are that much familiar with that fact that if the latency is fix, they will sett latency themself to HIGH just to make sure his ennemie cant pull off the peons and will abbuse of that bug.. 

Those versions MEAN NOTHING, EXCEPT, easieast hacking and latency corruption...

Oh they have try to fuck with us for many years, telling us people want to play in there own language and shit like that and it was maybe A decent answer, but it dont work anymore, we have 20 different version in 20 different language for war2 ru... We dont need those old rigged corrupted version anymore untill you use them for cheating and hacking. THATS THE FUCKING TRUTH BRO!

And now let's talk about the lambchop add on.... The chop indicator was directly integrate to the game, when you were downloading war2ru it was already in the game, everyone who download the war2ru version had automaticaly the add on... because at the end it was not an add-on no more but just a true part of the game...

So how someone can be advantage by that??? If everyone got it.... I mean if im playing tk and we both have chop indicator, there no advantage for nobody, the only advantage i have is the fact that i am more smarter and can adapt myself to new evolution in the game... But since tk is super ultra retard and can't adapt to nothing because he his stock on his old pattern, he think thats an advantage..

And the truth is... There no pro player who cares about that cuz we already know how to manage our chops, it was cool for new players because it will help them untill they reach our level and it make newbe get better faster and quicker and help the community to grow up.

But since tk is super newb and cant go over 1200 elo he just fucking cry like a little bitch because he know newbe will get better then him in not even six month with that kind of add on...

That add on was lookin fantastik in game, it was usefull for new players and it was the true first improvement in game since 20 years...

We are now in 2020 bro, we are no more in 1999, games have change, now every games is about evolution and massive update, best players are not only the best players, best player are also those players who can adapt to new update, read them, understand them, and adapt to them.

But we are stock with old school rats that dont want to see any improvement in this game cuz they feel nostalgik, they still feel and want to feel 1999... But that game have die because they was no more update... PEOPLE WAS BORRED OF THIS GAME BECAUSE IT WAS THIS GAME... You cant bring back old school people who left that game if you go see them with the same fucking game...

If you see those old school players and you told them, hey bro you should watch war2ru, its warcraft II with alot of new things and add on, game have change it's amazing now... Then maybe those people gonna take a look at it... But if you go see them and tell them, HEY BRO do you remember that game you were playing 20 years ago that you left cuz you were borred, why dont you go back to play with us, it's the same game... He will say wtf bro, i left cuz i was borred of it....

Do you understand??

And now about the mpq... Maybe some people dont cares.... But i dont cares, they dont cares...... LOL... And i know there alot of peoples who think like me, they told it to me but they dont speak it on forum cuz they dont wanna look like trouble maker... But there alot of people who feel the same way of me....

You say its only about hotkeys??? but it's not, there alot of thing they can do with this mpq and we all know it for fact.

Im gonna explain you what is a hack!

Cheating" is doing something contrary to an agreed-upon set of rules (in the context of a computer game

Exemple: Snipping people on there stream, getting type by someone in private, getting repair by a watcher... This is cheating.

Hacking" is altering an existing system to behave in a different way (in a computer game, editing or supplementing game code)

Exemple: Download some hacking software that change the game code.... Or when you are better, changing the game code directly in the source by yourself, editing the mpq..

You guys are telling lambchop was hacking when lambchop add-on was just an UPDATE.... But you guys are saying to me, all those programmars who edit the mpq while other cant because they dont have the knowledge for it are not hacking???

You know this is 100% hacking, but like you say, you just dont cares.... BUT SOME PEOPLES CARES BRO.... Some people dont wanna be hack, we dont cares what the fuck you guys can or cant do with the mpq... We are not programmars to check this out ourself... What we know is those programmars have acces to mpq and can edit it to play against us and we dont want that at all! 

Do you guys understand that??? You want to modify something... Make an official add on in collaboration with admin, and add it to the game or in the official website where EVERYONE CAN HAVE ACCES TO IT...

But changing something in the game that other cant because they are not programmar and dont have the knowlege, its PURE FUCKING TRUE HACKING and its fucking coward dude...

I dont fucking cares about hotkeys or whatever you all say, you are all fucking hacker if you edit the mpq.


« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 12:10:52 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2020, 11:23:54 AM »

About the actual page:
What did you think about the sound? Do you think it is ok or should I make the page muted by default and you would have to click on the speaker to enable it? :-)

Also did you manage to add the browser source to your OBS and test it?

I think the best it's to put a volume, so people can choose whatever they want, if you cant, then for my personal opinion, i dont really cares if there sound or not.

ps: i dint try anything with observer that way to hard for me, i understand nothing in those shit.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2020, 03:20:27 PM »
Well as I said just like you can install winrar to open a zip file you can install any mpq editor out there to open mpq files (which is just another type of compressed folder)
There is no "programming" involved at all you need as much programming knowledge to install and open a mpq editor as you need to install and use winrar.

That aside I understand the feeling about the rest and all but people are much better person than you would think they are.
Just because they have a different opinion does not mean the reasons they hold that opinion are the worst reasons you can think of ;-)

About the OBS well it is very very simple:

When you open obs what you see is a canvas where you can add a bunch of different things to be displayed on it, so just like you added your display or game capture, or even your camera, you can add images and... wait for it... web pages!
So to do that just like you would click on the big + to add a image source or a diplay capture you can add a "Browser source" and give it any web page address you want. it will then open that web page and display it to the dimention you give in its properties. Then just like you can drag around or resize images you can do the same with the browser source.

For this actual browser source I recommend these sizes:
500 pixels large for two columns ( the way I have it on my own stream)
250 pixels large for one columns (all vertical)
and as wide as you want depending on if you want them to be all in line horizontally.

Hopefully that helps!
also for your display you can change the scaling method and move in on the side to be able to have your camera in an area that is not the game.
same for the browser source :-)

If you want help setting that up and have some time to do it you can ask me in discord and ill try to guide you through it like I did for others :-) :thumbsup:

Also for more awesome browser sources to make your stream look good you can have a look at streamlabs and other extensions like that :-)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 03:26:45 PM by Cel »

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2020, 03:44:13 PM »
Well as I said just like you can install winrar to open a zip file you can install any mpq editor out there to open mpq files (which is just another type of compressed folder)
There is no "programming" involved at all you need as much programming knowledge to install and open a mpq editor as you need to install and use winrar.

That aside I understand the feeling about the rest and all but people are much better person than you would think they are.
Just because they have a different opinion does not mean the reasons they hold that opinion are the worst reasons you can think of ;-)

About the OBS well it is very very simple:

When you open obs what you see is a canvas where you can add a bunch of different things to be displayed on it, so just like you added your display or game capture, or even your camera, you can add images and... wait for it... web pages!
So to do that just like you would click on the big + to add a image source or a diplay capture you can add a "Browser source" and give it any web page address you want. it will then open that web page and display it to the dimention you give in its properties. Then just like you can drag around or resize images you can do the same with the browser source.

For this actual browser source I recommend these sizes:
500 pixels large for two columns ( the way I have it on my own stream)
250 pixels large for one columns (all vertical)
and as wide as you want depending on if you want them to be all in line horizontally.

Hopefully that helps!
also for your display you can change the scaling method and move in on the side to be able to have your camera in an area that is not the game.
same for the browser source :-)

If you want help setting that up and have some time to do it you can ask me in discord and ill try to guide you through it like I did for others :-) :thumbsup:

Also for more awesome browser sources to make your stream look good you can have a look at streamlabs and other extensions like that :-)

Explain A to Z how to change Hotkeys on WAR2ru...

step by step, we listen you.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: is now a thing! :D
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2020, 03:46:37 PM »
I agree with Eq on this one, just like many apps and programs out there, you either upgrade to a specific ver (or above) or it is not supported / able to connect. There are newer versions for a reasons and unless there is a specific technical reason someone cannot upgrade and still play the older versions should be phased out. Also i like i have a 1050 score it makes me seem slightly worse than i actually am :)  .... better to under promise and over perform ))