You cant pick 2 options in one key, it wont work
w2 is too small to got "big tournament in korea", you know that in modern games, people got their own hotkeys? like w3? and they can use their hotkeys in tournament
and I edited it 3? years ago, so still I was top player, I could beat braviet with normal hotkeys, people dont care about it, there was few topic about hotkeys, ragner gave link to edit hotkeys
and the worst is that you have to learn them again because you will want to use the old ones
You sure? The game by default has the same hotkeys for multiple actions.
T to build temple and to stand ground
G to build grunt and to gather resources
B to train bloodlust and use bloodlust
M to train ogremage and to make mages
If all you do in the mpq is change hotkeys then why edit the mpq to begin with when you can use a simple autohotkey script instead?
Bro it's not even about the hotkeys, we should even not cares about that, the real thing here, is.... Like you say... There no serious game in the entire world who would allow the public to acces there multiplayer gaming files and change the script for whatever they want. Those mpq files have to be close from public, period.
It's not a question of hotkeys, i want everyone to have the abilitys to choose there own hotkeys... But they are too retard and proud of themself to say yeah Equinox is right.
Why is iL not making an add-on wich everyone have acces to it and can download it and modify is own hotkey as there wish??
Because they are too fucking retard bro... they are doing useless things in different language and waste there time for useless actions... And those europeans morons just support those kind of behavior because they are the true racist and they dont cares about us.
They are there crying like little bitch because i say europeans players are stupid,,, it's not racist, it's just what it look... The true racist are them, making there private forum, private league, private tournament, private website, private version of the game, private language, private hotkeys... I mean..... It's a kinda joke to be honnest.
Dont even ask yourself why U8 have played 2 years without the ANTI-Hack version, probably because it was easier and better for editing the mpq with the old version.
That dude is a fucking cheater bro, whatever you say hes gonna try to make you look as a dumb and all those morons gonna say * who cares about hacking * dont even waste your time, they are all morons, non legit players, cheaters and racist.