Author Topic: Burnt  (Read 8701 times)

Offline iL

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« on: January 25, 2020, 06:02:15 PM »
Well, let me tell what's happening.

On Jan 3 Burnt PM'ed me that he is ready to be an admin again and asked me to give access to him.
He wrote that he plan to make new tournaments and continue promoting the game, rise the community up and so on.

I've not been too active, so i checked my email on Jan 10 only.
I haven't been discuss that with other admins, as i always considered Burnt as one of our admin team members. The main one.

Last time we removed his admin role about 5 years ago after he asked himself about that. He decided to stop his admin activity, that was loss for community in my opinion. Several times i told him that he is welcomed back as soon as he will be ready, and here's he!

I should admit, his last actions in September have been seriously undermined my reliance, but i still consider him a community leader and founder.
Also, events in September showed close connection between Burnt and community: his "problems" got he community reduced approximately /3 times.
I keep believe Burnt is the only one who can rise the community up by right actions.

At the same time i understand he can easily kill our community by wrong actions.
So, the risk is huge.

But what we have last years? We are trying to promote the community as we can, we have an admin team who keep players following the rules, trying to do that rightfully and justly, we are making new software, new versions of war2, useful utilities... and the community keep stagnating.

I always spoke about democracy, following the rules, hapiness for everybody playing war2. We made polls to let players vote for Rules and so on. Now we have an admin team who can maintain compliance with the rules, but that is a way to stagnation.

We need an IDEA.

We need a leader, somebody who can lead the community! Rules are useful when the community is expanding, but in stagnation stage they can just slow down this process.
So, the choice is between slow stagnation and a risk: to kill the community or to rise it up.

I have to say: i'm tired of slow stagnation. I still hope Burnt will be able to make some new idea and to lead the community again. As he did do at the very beginning.
I don't see anybody else in our community who can pretend to be a leader.
Current admins are just keeping order, but i'm sure we need a shake-up!

Of course i know Burnt have some "problems" at the moment, but at least he already grew up the community one day. I trust he can do that again. Will he? We will see...

I didn't know he plan to remove tk from his admin position, Burnt didn't talk to me or anybody else about his decision.
I'm being sad that things happens that way, my dream is to let everybody act together. All of us trying to do everything to make our game and community better, but all of us have different understanding how to do that.

At least, i think we should give a chance to Burnt and his team. Of course this "shake-up" will be perceived negative at the beginning, but i hope we will see changes to better way in the medium term.
Anyway we will see the changes soon, i think. I hope these changes will lead us to the best!
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Re: Burnt
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2020, 06:16:35 PM »
You are a fucking piece of shit dude.

You dont cares about that game or that community you have always cares about ur own personal decision.

There a fucking pool right there telling you we dont want that guy as admin.

What the hell did he do to make this community bigger..

We have roll between 20 and 80 players for the last 15 years without or with burnt.

He dint do shit at all except take everything in hostage, facebook pages, youtube pages, twitch pages, everyone was able to do what he do if he had acces to it.

But he never let us get acces to it.

Even when he leave his admin position, why he dint give us the password for twitch, facebook and youtube...

Those pages are the official pages of our community, and for years nobody have been able to promote from those pages.

You are a dictator, burnt is a dictator, im done with this shitty game, good bye everyone, good luck with this server.

iL is a piece of shit again, always have been.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 06:20:05 PM by Equinox »
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Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2020, 06:21:08 PM »
I don't expect you to respond. I know it's not your style to engage in these types of situations. But I want to address some of these things from my point of view.

Burnt only wanted admin for 1 reason. To remove me as admin and protect van.. protect him from a decision that the rest of the community agreed on. The reason the community agreed on it was because the community believed burnt's friend van was hurting the community. Burnt wants to override a decision the community agreed on. He wanted to allow the community to be tore apart by van. Burnt chose van over the community

Burnt has done many good things for the community in the past. So have many other members of the community. Blid, mousetopher, fois, tora, yourself, myself... many others. Burnt DID do many good things for the community. in the past. I was involved in some of them with him. But those things were done in the past... with the exception of a tournament or two, he has split this community apart the last few months. Thats why we lost so many members a few months ago. Burnt pushed them away with his behavior.

You gave someone who has been destroying the community for the last few months head admin position. You did it without talking to any other admins. You did it without discussing it with anyone else in the community. And so far you have not given any indication that Burnt made a mistake in removing my Admin for enforcing a rule that the community agreed on. My account is still locked. My password still has not been given back to me.

I have a family and kids and my wife has recently started school full time. I'm not able to do everything I would like to be able to do to rebuild this community, but I am doing things. I am spending money on advertisement. I am trying to teach people war2. I am constantly streaming and advertising on that stream. I have advertised u8t3io3p's stream.. I have been assisting users regularly. Trying to help them with hosting problems. Recovering names for them. Transferring statistics for them. Adding the Icons i can for them. I think i've been the most active admin on the server the past few months, and one of the most active players all together.

I just want you to know I feel pretty betrayed. All of the time and some of the money i've spent seems like none of it was appreciated. I think some of the other admins that have been dedicating their time and money also feel betrayed. You made a huge decision that most of us who are active on the server know is very dangerous, and harmful to the server without consulting them.

Burnt will not help this server. He has been splitting it up. He is more interested in harming me, than helping the server. I just hope you see it before it's too late.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 06:27:16 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2020, 06:30:38 PM »
just doesnt make any sense.... Putting a current arsonist in charge of putting out fires, just because he used to be good at putting out fires.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2020, 06:34:55 PM »
So, IL is willing to risk the community's integrity, democracy, happiness, and respect by risking it on person who might be able to bring more players in?

Burnts best friend, Van, is the reason an entirely new server was made and split the community. Burnt is part of the problem, not the solution. He is the reason why Swift isn't playing right now and others will soon quit. He already exercised his power by getting rid of TK and nobody else knew about it and you just said it made you sad. He hasn't been admin for a week and this is happening already.

I don't mean to be rude but to be honest. I find this to be a desperate move IL. You are letting things happen and you making excuses for why it might be good in the end, you should take charge or ASK people to take charge. This is like if someone punches you and then you say, well, this could be good for me because XXXXXXXX. You and your admins need to take action.

I assume you obliged to making him admin again not knowing what has happened recently and possibly made a mistake. I would rather you say you made the mistake and correct it than just continue to go with it because the action was already made.

Why haven't we had an election or something for a new admin who has ideas and has the drive to do these things and gets VOTED in by either the community or the other admins? You have just disrespected all of the other admins.

Nobody steps up because all Admins (minus TK) are NEVER ON and not involved at all anymore. If someone said, hey everyone, this is the situation and we would love some help from the community, I'm sure you would have volunteers. Heck, I just gave you an idea right above.

This move is a dictatorship move and is unfortunately seeming selfish because you are using ONLY Brunt's previous reputation to base your decision. That is the absolute only reason you are letting this happen and you are hoping Burnt will randomly hopefully return to the same person he used to be.

Maybe you feel you owe it to him because of what he has done but sometimes life is difficult and decisions are difficult and what is right for the community is different than what is right in your heart right now. Things change and people change and it is your job to make the proper adjustments and to be a leader. This is not an example of you doing so. This makes me sad.

I will not play this game if Burnt is an admin. I've been one of the most active players for the last 8 years now? The only other people who are more active than me consistently are probably SPB and Braviet.

In the end, this is your server and you have ran it for us for a long time. I very much appreciate it and what you have done/are doing for everyone to let us enjoy the game. I don't ever speak up to you or say anything bad and I mean this as a critique and a way to communicate with you, not to insult you.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2020, 02:04:02 AM by Harrywangs »

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2020, 06:35:40 PM »
even if burnt got his problems, as admin he can't ban another admin

most of people just dont belive him

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2020, 06:36:53 PM »
I almost feel like you knew this decision would kill the server. Finally end it.. And maybe thats what you want because you're tired of managing it... I dont know. This decision makes no sense at all.

If that is true. I strongly encourage you.. I beg you.. Hand it over to blid.. tora.. me.. fois.. Someone who wants it to live. We might not do as good of a job as you, but we will find a way to make it work. I'll find a way to make it work.

Dont throw the server away if you're just exhausted in dealing with it.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2020, 06:53:11 PM »
You made a mistake iL. We all make mistakes. Maybe you thought you were doing the right thing.

You have all of these people who are here every day. Talking to eachother every day. Who see what is happening on the server every day... Telling you that you made a mistake. It's not too late to fix it.

Please fix it. Put things back the way they were and I will come up with a plan to rebuild the community... with the help of the community.

If the community supports an idea I have, I honestly think we have a chance to make real, positive, long term change for the community. But I promise you it's not going to happen from Burnt. The exact opposite will happen with Burnt as a "leader". He isnt the same. He has changed. Like Harrywangs said. He is a problem today, Not a solution.

Give me a chance.

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2020, 06:55:09 PM »
Tk you had one year to do something and you did nothing. You were worthless as a admin. I built this community up before and with the help of Tora and Warbux we will do it again.

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2020, 06:57:42 PM »
Well, let me tell what's happening.

On Jan 3 Burnt PM'ed me that he is ready to be an admin again and asked me to give access to him.
He wrote that he plan to make new tournaments and continue promoting the game, rise the community up and so on.

I've not been too active, so i checked my email on Jan 10 only.
I haven't been discuss that with other admins, as i always considered Burnt as one of our admin team members. The main one.

Last time we removed his admin role about 5 years ago after he asked himself about that. He decided to stop his admin activity, that was loss for community in my opinion. Several times i told him that he is welcomed back as soon as he will be ready, and here's he!

I should admit, his last actions in September have been seriously undermined my reliance, but i still consider him a community leader and founder.
Also, events in September showed close connection between Burnt and community: his "problems" got he community reduced approximately /3 times.
I keep believe Burnt is the only one who can rise the community up by right actions.

At the same time i understand he can easily kill our community by wrong actions.
So, the risk is huge.

But what we have last years? We are trying to promote the community as we can, we have an admin team who keep players following the rules, trying to do that rightfully and justly, we are making new software, new versions of war2, useful utilities... and the community keep stagnating.

I always spoke about democracy, following the rules, hapiness for everybody playing war2. We made polls to let players vote for Rules and so on. Now we have an admin team who can maintain compliance with the rules, but that is a way to stagnation.

We need an IDEA.

We need a leader, somebody who can lead the community! Rules are useful when the community is expanding, but in stagnation stage they can just slow down this process.
So, the choice is between slow stagnation and a risk: to kill the community or to rise it up.

I have to say: i'm tired of slow stagnation. I still hope Burnt will be able to make some new idea and to lead the community again. As he did do at the very beginning.
I don't see anybody else in our community who can pretend to be a leader.
Current admins are just keeping order, but i'm sure we need a shake-up!

Of course i know Burnt have some "problems" at the moment, but at least he already grew up the community one day. I trust he can do that again. Will he? We will see...

I didn't know he plan to remove tk from his admin position, Burnt didn't talk to me or anybody else about his decision.
I'm being sad that things happens that way, my dream is to let everybody act together. All of us trying to do everything to make our game and community better, but all of us have different understanding how to do that.

At least, i think we should give a chance to Burnt and his team. Of course this "shake-up" will be perceived negative at the beginning, but i hope we will see changes to better way in the medium term.
Anyway we will see the changes soon, i think. I hope these changes will lead us to the best!

appreciate that IL .. and i know theres gonna be people trying to sabotage but were not gonna let that negative influence get to us.. but atleast in this way we know people are safe from being banned by admins who hold personal vandettas ... no 1 should be afraid to be banned over there opinions period ... and ill be active an help xurnt with whatever task he has ...thanks for everything IL

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2020, 07:02:41 PM »
Tk you had one year to do something and you did nothing. You were worthless as a admin. I built this community up before and with the help of Tora and Warbux we will do it again.

You had 10 fucking years to build that community, WTF DID YOU DO??

Did anyone here honnestly ever seen more then 80 players log at same time on the server??

Never since 2009!

You have done anything dude stop your delusional... You may have make some tournament or useless promotion that nobody have ever cares...

But you dint grow up any shit dude!! Stop being delusional..

The only thing you did his talking like a retard under your wrestling mask and make us look like a bunch of retard..

Thats one of the reason why nobody have ever take this game seriously..

Just imagine im a new player and i fall on you with your wrestling mask talking about jesus and illuminati and tupac, and i see that you are admin of this game... God i fucking leave to another game, thats what i do dude.

SERIOUSLY, you have been a shame for this game...

You have never did any thing with a bit of profesionnalism...

Everything you did was lookin like a dumb creation of 1996....

You have no idea how marketing work, no idea how to make infographie, no idea how to make software...

You only did some great tournament and useless promotion.

Thats what you did bro... that community have been build by everyone..... Lots of peoples have made tournament, lots of peoples have contribute in the forum, the website, the software, add on, donations....

You see yourself like jesus but your delusional and sick and your the reason why this game have been so bad for the last 15 years.

You and iL are both fucking retard and we really have to get rid of both of you if we really want to grow up that server with 200+ active player.

Stop being delusional with your cheap infographie and your retarded promotion.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 07:06:15 PM by Equinox »
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Re: Burnt
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2020, 07:03:34 PM »
Burnt this is the only time i will address you.

To rebuild a community, You need community support. It's not a "1 man fixes it" ... or a 2 man.. or a 3 man. The community is going to have to come together and do it together. You don't have community support. You threw it away man. You can't rebuild the community without the support from the community.

What i didnt realize was how much community support I have. I just didnt think it was there... and I am grateful and appreciative for it.

I cant rebuild the community by myself. I can't do it with 3-4 other people... But i feel confident I can do it with the help of everyone. And i've had an idea that i've been wanting to do for a while... But i wasnt sure if the community would have been with me on it.

Burnt.. You're not the guy. You just aren't.

I might not be the guy either.. But i'm willing to throw the plan out there.. get the community involved in it.. and if someone else with more support ends up spear heading it i'll support them 100% of the way.

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2020, 07:06:56 PM »
Burnt this is the only time i will address you.

To rebuild a community, You need community support. It's not a "1 man fixes it" ... or a 2 man.. or a 3 man. The community is going to have to come together and do it together. You don't have community support. You threw it away man. You can't rebuild the community without the support from the community.

What i didnt realize was how much community support I have. I just didnt think it was there... and I am grateful and appreciative for it.

I cant rebuild the community by myself. I can't do it with 3-4 other people... But i feel confident I can do it with the help of everyone. And i've had an idea that i've been wanting to do for a while... But i wasnt sure if the community would have been with me on it.

Burnt.. You're not the guy. You just aren't.

I might not be the guy either.. But i'm willing to throw the plan out there.. get the community involved in it.. and if someone else with more support ends up spear heading it i'll support them 100% of the way.

tk u exiled a person to get ur so called community support .. "hmm if i ban the guy i hate most knowing every 1 else hates him.. every 1 will love me!!" ya take away 1 mans freedom to get favor great strategy.. unfortunately not .. every 1s opinion matters an every 1 has freedom to speak here no 1 should be banned for it period ... its done move on

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2020, 07:10:26 PM »
For fucks sake burnt... Your first action as admin was going AGAINST what the community decided on.

You dont get it. You'll never have community support as long as you put the feelings of 1 or 2 toxic individuals over the feelings of the overall community.

It just wont happen. Ever.

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Re: Burnt
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2020, 07:10:59 PM »
^--- Insert Warbux name in there as well. You guys just dont get it.