If you see me making a DKs, breaking walls with axers, using blimps, invising trannies, or mage bombing the shit out of you, then you know shits about to get real

Otherwise, I just stick to 1 unit regardless of map type, usually dont scout, and purposefully handicap myself in other ways like playing PB style with stupid shit. But when I'm playing for real, I make use of every unit available that would be best suited for whatever task is at hand. I just simply dont do that anymore. I find it more amusing to attack a wall with 50 zillion lusties and watch half of them get slaughtered in the process than it is to easily break it with a DK, breaking man walls with axers or hitting repairing units with axers, that sort of thing. The minor details that would make the game end quicker and almost insure a win, I tend not to do. Takes to much concentration that I'm not willing to put forth during relaxing game time (AKA just being lazy). BTW, you're free to stream snipe me anytime, everyone else does it anyway. I'm sure you probably have to you hackin whore. I would never stream a game I'm actually trying to win as if there were cash on the line and thats the only way I'd ever "play for real" was if there was some sort of monetary motivation. I stream every single game I play instead of warvid, so thats another example of ways I handicap myself.
BTW, the previous post was just a joke. I thought someone else would chime in with "WTF no that was me!" and then we'd get like 5 others saying the same thing but alas, you lazy fucks didnt want to play that game lol. I just thought it was amusing because even I know I dont play all that great/serious anymore and it would be an insult to EQ to think he was playing someone good when he wasnt haha.