Well, thanks for your feedback!
So, warvideo is useful thing for some people, also someone prefer GUI version, some others prefer background/console. I think to continue working with both.
The main thing it needs is to save to a known video format (avi/mkv/mp4 etc.)
thought about that also.
Would be nice if each gaming session could be categorized into a graphical thumb nail play list at the end. Then,
I have the option of highlighting & exporting the best games to mp4 format and discard or leave the others in dk2.
Do you mean to categorize games when you save the file? I use symbols i filenames, like "i25)!12v2tower" - means: "i" as "il", 25 is a number of replay, ")" - my win, "!" - the game was interesting, "12v2tower" - my comment about the game. Though i'm talking about insight replays, but i'd use the same idea for warvid. Not sure if that could mean game categorized or you mean something different...
Your bot that hosts games for people, could he also record games by request?
Well, bot can definitely record games by insight (it should stay in game all the time then), but it's warvid will contain only 1 his peon staying in the center of black territory, as it doesn't play or scroll map itself