Someone is messing with the server and all you can do is keep attacking the christian girl.
She doesn't have the 1% of the computer knowlege to do that. So what if she's supporting Tupac's server, she did the same thing for THIS server for ages before you all tormented her into leaving.
What a bunch of pathetic little bitches.
They are mad they violated the rules and got banned. It was funny watching strat-g promote the server because he loved it. Once he seen he isn't above the rules and got banned hes been spamming and lying non sense. My server is for clean people and not toxic garbage. I'll take the new people who want a clean productive environment. Me and my team don't support this type of activity period.
You keep making lies please supply us with the .exe file that is backdoored. If anyone feels they have been trojan. Message me immediately.
Now strat is actually a hacker he took some mods I have made and has been using them online. If you see him lusting instantly, or any spells report him.
Block a backdoor.
1. Type netstat in cmd
2. Find the weird IP address that's not common.
3. Open you hostfile and put the IP in there.
That will block the connection period.
Hes been spamming ru with bots.
And proved he is using programs that where made for single and modding purposes.