It's the fact that I'm playing on a windows 10 laptop. There is an intregrated feature that is in relation to battery usage,
in which cpu throttling is automatically disabled. Causing the CPU to run incorrectly in allocating CPU usage for warcraft 2, causing massive unit delay, especially when the game goes on. Playing on a desktop will automatically fix this issue. However, the fix for laptops is ever easy. There is a solution that already exists created by the iccup community two screenshots:
It's also important to note I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. Plop and Kuro have also said they've experienced this, and there's no telling all of the new players who have accepted this unit delay as the norm.
If you google "starcraft 1 windows 10 cpu lag", or "warcraft 3 cpu useage delay" you will get dozens and dozens of articles.
I've been trying to solve this issue and the problem I've run into is, that windows 10 has no intregrated feature to fix this, other than changing CPU throlling for every program. That wouldn't be a good thing. The only apps that I can control it on, are apps I don't use that are integrated windows 10 apps. Also, Warcraft 2 has no option to enable cpu throttling. But starcraft brood war does. My suggestion is to make an update that forces it, exactly like the mca64launcher. There are also many other features on that launcher that would be great for warcraft 2.