The preponderance of people to negotiate themselves successful at a certain attribute in society, game, or way of being, is of no issue with the most notable of aspects: when the ability to negotiate the mind to fathom the approach of perfection. There is no remediation for a haughty mind to fulfill itself, because it will always lack the safety of looking with a great, lucid strength to be assured there is no breakthrough that is left unhindered, unreached, and without scintillation.
Therefore reach with your minds not to do those things which you think right, or proper, if you think them to be of great value; but know that there are ways of thinking which do not enact the strife, headiness, and wanton ambition, that overcome those obstacles of thinking you are greater than you actually are.
Do not reach to goals with a mind of hierarchy. But one of love, gentleness, and strength.