Do you even believe in demons?
You seem to be against hypocrisy, yet you are a prime example of hypocrisy yourself.
Let's find the definition for hypocrisy.
hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform
You seem to be against "framing" people, yet you yourself have a history of framing: BabyShark (when you falsely accused me of having put you and Joe up to bsing and eliminating everyone in the game (which they believed and started spamming me with messages like "you're garbage!" and "i thought you were better than that shark" least they came back a few weeks later and apologized) and Swift (when you accused yourself of not providing SS as "Critterhemd" who, as it turns out, wasn't you). Oh, and let's not forget our favorite memories!
Lethal~Viruz! Lol. I personally witnessed you going around on server saying "It's been confirmed Lethal~Viruz is a hacker," when you yourself knew very well that he doesn't hack (pretending that you are against hacking, but you yourself also have a history of hacking - further hypocrisy).
All that stuff and video game related nonsense it taken lightly and the I don't have a problem with an occasional friendly bs. My favorite people are the ones I bs the most. If you can't take it back, don't dish it out.
I do not have a "moral standard" against playing jokes in video games. I do not have a moral standard against joking around or having fun. When someone gets hurt, it crosses the line. If you or someone you know has been genuinely hurt, I am ready to apologize and not play so rough with the tenderfoots anymore.
As for your feigned concern for "vulnerable/hurting" demographics, you didn't seem to have taken your sensitivity training yet when you were spamming me with really mean stuff during the NWTR tournament, like "You're the most evil disgusting piece of shit on the server."
If people don't want their ideas to be mocked, they should choose ideas that aren't so silly. I don't hate, nor to I want to harm people who think they are plants, other genders, or other animals. They need help. But if you're gonna start making a list of jokes that you're not allowed to make, no one will ever be allowed to laugh again. The target of the joke is a very silly idea, not an individual person.
This reminds me of when little kids throw snowballs at big kids, then cry when the big kids throw one back.
I've been leaving you alone since the NWTR tourney when your true self came out. What are you hoping to achieve or gain by taking jabs at me? You wanna destroy me? You want my attention? You want an apology? You want me to beg for mercy from the great Swift god? What are you after?
If you don't want to be harmed by someone who plays a bit rough for you, then give that person a bit of space. Sound advice I think