Author Topic: Some people  (Read 16576 times)

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Some people
« on: January 07, 2018, 11:24:14 PM »
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 11:27:42 PM by BabyShark »

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Re: Some people
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 11:57:00 PM »
war2 is dead thanks to people picking flowers instead of letting them blossom into the amazing flowers they're supposed to be...

there. i said it.

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Re: Some people
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2018, 01:17:52 PM »
This video is dedicated to all the people who have played W2 and have, for no reason, been belittled, mocked, banned, insulted, treated as less than human by the bullies of W2 whose self image and worth rests on their life's devotion and resulting skill in this 20 year old video game.

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Re: Some people
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2018, 03:29:09 PM »

Boys' reaction to bullying will melt your heart - YouTube

Imagine how much better the world would be if more people were like these boys who decided to not mock, tease, insult the weaker guy, but to embrace and accept and help him.

None of us have anything that wasn't given to us.

Even our very life, we did absolutely nothing to earn or create. It was a gift.

Our abilities, intellect, talents, appearance are given to us. Sure, we can hone them to a degree and work to better ourselves to some degree, but our very mind and body was not made by us, and we did absolutely nothing to NOT be born disabled, crippled, mentally retarded, disfigured, or in any other way "inferior".

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Re: Some people
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2018, 06:09:28 PM »
The best way to insure the destruction of anything in nature/reality is to make sure that the weak survive long enough to drag the rest of the population of that species to the grave with them.  Humans didnt survive this planet because they were weak.  The lived long and prospered because they killed, maimed, stole, and enslaved every usable resource that happened to cross their path and they were not 'nice' about any of it.  If they were,  they wouldnt have made it past year 1.

Let that sink in for a bit and then re-think the "everyone is a winner and gentle and nice" road that is being hand fed to kids today.  Live isnt a bunch of rosey people who give everything to you.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is destined for a miserable life that they themselves are the architect of,  not the bullies.  I was bullied many times as a kid and I am a better person because of it.  So some excuse that you suck at everything you do because poor you was bullied in school is just a weak cop out.  Some think that just because I was excellent with sports and what not that I never got bullied the way these 'kids today do and that I am to hard on them.  Thats just a bunch of horseshit.  They are made out of the same organic material that I was,  absolutely nothing is different about 'todays kids' other than the way they are being taught wrong,  the world isnt all candy and playdates.  I dont take shit from anyone and I certainly dont rely upon anyone to provide for me either.

Grow a pair.  Thats what I teach.  In the end only the strong will survive.  That's been the case for 4 billion years and its not going to change any time soon just because it's not nice.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 06:13:11 PM by {Lance} »
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

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Re: Some people
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2018, 08:58:20 PM »
In the end only the strong will survive.  That's been the case for 4 billion years and its not going to change any time soon just because it's not nice.

True, but this premise relys on a continually multiplying population. That is not what we see on this server.

It's a game, an artificial framework, the grunts should do the bullying in game.

I'm pretty sure "Come to our server and get cyber-bullied to prop up my ego because I have a tiny penis" is not a slogan that is going to keep the game alive.

The weak will die out, and weak shit like that will make war2 die out.
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Re: Some people
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2018, 10:09:55 PM »
The best way to insure the destruction of anything in nature/reality is to make sure that the weak survive long enough to drag the rest of the population of that species to the grave with them.  Humans didnt survive this planet because they were weak.  The lived long and prospered because they killed, maimed, stole, and enslaved every usable resource that happened to cross their path and they were not 'nice' about any of it.  If they were,  they wouldnt have made it past year 1.

Let that sink in for a bit and then re-think the "everyone is a winner and gentle and nice" road that is being hand fed to kids today.  Live isnt a bunch of rosey people who give everything to you.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is destined for a miserable life that they themselves are the architect of,  not the bullies.  I was bullied many times as a kid and I am a better person because of it.  So some excuse that you suck at everything you do because poor you was bullied in school is just a weak cop out.  Some think that just because I was excellent with sports and what not that I never got bullied the way these 'kids today do and that I am to hard on them.  Thats just a bunch of horseshit.  They are made out of the same organic material that I was,  absolutely nothing is different about 'todays kids' other than the way they are being taught wrong,  the world isnt all candy and playdates.  I dont take shit from anyone and I certainly dont rely upon anyone to provide for me either.

Grow a pair.  Thats what I teach.  In the end only the strong will survive.  That's been the case for 4 billion years and its not going to change any time soon just because it's not nice.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lance. Let's consider your ideas, though.

What you're saying Lance, is that it's alright to rape and kill children (and women) because you're stronger.

And what you're saying is consistent with the atheist/evolutionist worldview, which many people who are atheist/evolutionist minded don't understand when they assert that people shouldn't violate their "human rights" by being "crazy-idea-phobic" "racists" (extremely broad definitions encompassing anyone who disagrees with any of their incorrect ideas). In their undeveloped worldview, they believe it's wrong to disagree with them.

At least your idea that it's fine to murder innocent people and rape children is consistent with the atheist/evolutionist worldview.

If we are all just random particles in motion, nothing is wrong. This is what's being taught in schools today, but it's nonsense. It's illogical. We know right and wrong exist.

Watch this movie, and if you still want to believe that nothing exploded billions of years ago and created information and a clearly intelligently designed universe and atoms and cells and living creatures of all varieties all by accident by scientifically impossible means, you're welcome to believe it, but it is a fairy tale.

The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD - YouTube

There is right and wrong, and the God that actually did make the world says it's wrong to kill other people because He made them and loves them. He also said it's wrong to harm the weak, the widows, poor, orphans, and that people should treat other people the way they want to be treated.

The types of ideas that weaker/younger/sicker/older people can be harmed or killed stem from the atheist/evolutionist worldview and show just how dangerous it is and how much damage it causes to a lot of people.

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Re: Some people
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2018, 10:22:23 PM »
The best way to insure the destruction of anything in nature/reality is to make sure that the weak survive long enough to drag the rest of the population of that species to the grave with them.  Humans didnt survive this planet because they were weak.  The lived long and prospered because they killed, maimed, stole, and enslaved every usable resource that happened to cross their path and they were not 'nice' about any of it.  If they were,  they wouldnt have made it past year 1.

Ahha, human survival was predicated on genocide apparently. hot take.

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Re: Some people
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2018, 11:03:46 PM »
the atheist/evolutionist worldview

Ok Baby, I've just got to pull you up on this. I have never met an "evolutionist". The term is religious propoganda.

Just because I understand the evolutionary process does not mean that I use it as a philosophical base for how I live my life. Understanding what happened to get us to where we are does not legislate that as how we should move forward.

After millions of years of evolution humans have finally developed self-awareness. This is a very new thing. A couple of thousand years ago they were still nailing people to crosses. In another couple of thousand years I'm sure we will all have a better understanding of how to move forward. These are still turbulent times.
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Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: Some people
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2018, 12:06:52 AM »
According to Collins English Dictionary (

Evolutionist: An evolutionist is someone who accepts the scientific theory that all living things evolved from a few simple life forms.

Propaganda: Propaganda is information, often inaccurate information, which a political organization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people.

You said the term "evolutionist" is "religious" "propaganda" (inaccurate, misleading). In what way is it misleading or inaccurate? In what way is the term religious?

I'm going by the dictionary definition of the term.

After millions of years of evolution humans have finally developed self-awareness. This is a very new thing.

I'd be interested in any evidence you have to support this claim.

Just because I understand the evolutionary process does not mean that I use it as a philosophical base for how I live my life. Understanding what happened to get us to where we are does not legislate that as how we should move forward.

I absolutely believe that how one believes governs how one behaves. If one believes actions have no meaning and no consequences, that there is no judge of behavior, then one's own selfish desires will reign paramount, fettered only by the actions of others and physical laws.

There are instances where people behave CONTRARY to their own professed belief system by asserting values such as the value of human life when their belief system dictates that human life is accidental and meaningless. It's illogical to conclude that an accidentally formed pile of cells has intrinsic worth in an accidental and meaningless universe of random particles in motion, or to assert that there is such a thing as right and wrong. But we know that right and wrong exist. Even atheists use God's law code to judge others with, even though they deny His authority. For example, a non-believer in God accuse others of "lying", "cheating", "stealing", etc., which in their belief system have no basis for being wrong at all. But God put in each of us a conscience, that we can choose to dull and ignore by repeatedly shushing it and doing what we want anyways.

A couple of thousand years ago they were still nailing people to crosses. In another couple of thousand years I'm sure we will all have a better understanding of how to move forward. These are still turbulent times.

People are still being killed by crucifixion today.

The idea that people are improving and advancing is entirely false. If anything, people are devolving, and I think there's evidence to support the idea that people were much more intelligent in the past than they are today, based on findings of ancient civilizations including buildings that were built by technology or mechanics we can't understand today. I'll post some links. :)

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts Lamby, and I'd love to discuss further.

These Ancient Relics Are So Advanced They Shouldn't Exist... - YouTube

The Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient, highly advanced computer from 100 BC "shouldn't exist".

There are many more, but even this one is quite interesting.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 12:44:46 AM by BabyShark »

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Re: Some people
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2018, 02:33:23 AM »
 ::) *SIGH* ok I'll try to make this brief, and only cos I like you. BUT you have to promise not to get offended ok? So just remember you like me and you asked!

According to Collins English Dictionary (

Collins also contains the "word" MILF, that does't mean it isn't a term invented by people peddling online porn in the late '90s.

The creationist viewpoint comes from the bible, it is part of belief system (i.e. Christianity) that governs how people view the world, how they should behave in it, their moral code, their view of history etc.... just about everything.

Adding an "ist" onto the end of the word evolution implies that anyone who understands the evolutionary process is a member of some other competing cult that is trying to replace religion with its own version. This is quite frankly laughable.

After millions of years of evolution humans have finally developed self-awareness. This is a very new thing.
I'd be interested in any evidence you have to support this claim.

Hmm. Well if you don't believe in evolution, then you don't. I have already wasted a fair bit of time discussing the proof of evolution in another thread, I really don't feel like looking it up and quoting it here because I don't actually think you're interested in it, only using it as a vehicle to propose that it is invalid. If you were actually interested in learning I would be far more inclined to spend my time teaching you about it.

Please feel free to provide any evidence you have that a single word in the bible is true. No no, don't paste that youtube link - I'll save you the trouble. There isn't any. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing (that's the whole 'faith' bit right?).... but if it makes you feel better, then I'm happy that it works for you.

Just because I understand the evolutionary process does not mean that I use it as a philosophical base for how I live my life. Understanding what happened to get us to where we are does not legislate that as how we should move forward.
I absolutely believe that how one believes governs how one behaves. If one believes ...... their own professed belief system by asserting values ...... "lying", "cheating", "stealing", etc., which in their belief system ....

Really you are smart enough to understand this. This is the whole point. Evolution is not a "belief system". It's just what happened while life was evolving. I also know what happened in World War II, but understanding that does not mean that I want to start shooting people.

I have a moral code that does NOT include lying, cheating, stealing, raping, killing, bullying, racism, homophobia and a whole lot of other stuff that the bible is quite ok with. The notion that my morals have anything to do with my understanding of how life evolved is utter nonsense, and I think by now you should know me well enough to know that.

A couple of thousand years ago they were still nailing people to crosses. In another couple of thousand years I'm sure we will all have a better understanding of how to move forward. These are still turbulent times.
People are still being killed by crucifixion today. (link to list of horrible deaths)

Hmm. Well a few hundred years ago it was commonplace for 'kings' to have dungeons where they could lock up whoever they wanted and torture them with an array of horrific devices. This was normal and accepted. It's true that some people still do this sort of thing but these days we tend to hunt them down and remove them from society. Not perfect, but an improvment.

The idea that people are improving and advancing is entirely false. If anything, people are devolving, and I think there's evidence to support the idea that people were much more intelligent in the past than they are toda...... (link to some article on a coroded chunk of clockwork that may or may not have done anything in the first place)

The Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient, highly advanced computer from 100 BC "shouldn't exist".

Where is the evidence that this old corroded box of gears ever did anything at all... let alone that it's a computer.... let alone that it's "highly advanced"?

... but ok lets say, just for argument's sake, that it's not a paperweight, or piece of jewelery, or a torture device, or a failed experiment that never worked, or a sex toy, or who-on-earth-knows-what, and lets assume that it is a "computer".

How "highly advanced" is it compared to the computer you are using to post on this forum? Why would anyone call something that is just a few gears in a box "highly advanced" when it is clearly very simple??... the answer is in the context: because it was (supposedly) highly advanced for something that was made way back when technology was so primative.

So your example has actually just disproved your own premise.


                 .... please, mercy! No more. You win: GOD put dinosaur fossils in the ground to trick us! It's all true. I concede. Science is a lie. My computer actually works on holy spirit flowing out of the wall socket ;) .... with much love.
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Re: Some people
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2018, 03:17:04 AM »
Where is the evidence that this old corroded box of gears ever did anything at all... let alone that it's a computer.... let alone that it's "highly advanced"?

Actually looked up the wikipedia page for this, it's a really interesting thing. From the inscriptions it was designed to plot the planetary rotations etc. There is a huge amount of conjecture about what it would have contained and there are various reconstructions based more on "what would have been there to do what they wanted" than what is actually in the remains. But even the experts that have spent years studying it say it is "one of the great wonders of the ancient world—but it didn’t really work very well!".

I think it is a facinating and wonderful ancient artifact - but comparing it against my computer that can look up it's wikipedia page and post on the forum at the same time as also calculate the positions of all the planets correctly, not to mention the X-Ray CT technology used to investigate the remains it's not really proof that technology is 'devolving' is it?
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Re: Some people
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2018, 11:33:41 AM »
If a new player builds their hall 10 spaces away from the mine, and makes buildings in their path, what's your general thought process?  Probably that they're incredibly new to RTS games in general, a little slow mentally, or maybe just screwing around.  Perhaps even some combination of those things.

Ponder that for a moment, and you'll know pretty much exactly how I feel about someone when they try to put forward arguments against evolution.

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Re: Some people
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2018, 05:01:38 PM »
Ponder that for a moment, and you'll know pretty much exactly how I feel about someone when they try to put forward arguments against evolution.


Someone could say the exact same thing in reverse.

"I feel like people who believe in evolution are retarded."

I don't feel that way, but I could say it, and have in effect really said nothing other than my feeling.

Feelings do not determine reality.

Feelings do not determine truth.

Feelings are feelings.

Why do you feel that way?

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Re: Some people
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2018, 05:18:29 PM »
Collins also contains the "word" MILF, that does't mean it isn't a term invented by people peddling online porn in the late '90s.

Are you saying your definition of evolution is different from the one in this dictionary?

There are a number of different things that have come into existence and need to have their own origin. Only one of these 6 have been observed by people, which is variation within kinds (called "microevolution").

Stellar evolution: the origin of stars
Chemical evolution: the origin of the elements
Cosmic evolution: the origin of time, space, matter from a "big bang" of nothing exploding into the universe
Organic evolution: the origin of life from non-life
Macro-evolution: the changing of animals from one kind of animal to another kind of animal (either quickly, called punctuated equilibrium or slowly, called gradualism)
Micro-evolution: variation within a kind of animal (long fur, short fur, light skin, dark skin, long snout, short snout, long legs, short legs, but still the same kind of animal)

ONLY micro-evolution is scientific. The rest are outside of the realm of science, and beliefs in origins in these areas involve faith, whether it's faith in a Creator or faith in an unknown, unscientific, non-existent "self-replicating molecule" that Dawkins has great faith in because it "had" to have existed (but there's no evidence for it).

Micro-evolution is not animals changing from one kind of animal to another kind of animal, as macro-evolution requires, but variation within a kind of animal. Variation happens. This is real. This can be studied scientifically. Animals have been designed with a built-in variability, but that variability has limits. You can get long legs or short legs or long fur or short fur on a dog, but you can never get a dog with wings, because the information for wings is simply not in the genetic code for dogs.

There is no known scientific mechanism that allows for the creation of new information required for new features, like wings or lungs or bones or kidneys or a mouth or feathers.

And the wings have to work properly the first time or the creature will just be carrying around extra weight and baggage that is both useless and cumbersome and would have no reason to be retained. Wings are clearly a designed feature that can't come into existence randomly or by trial and error or chance.

Same with an eye. You can't have a non-functioning eye that serves any purpose, being half-complete. The eye needs all the parts functioning correctly out of the gate for it to work.

How about the circulatory system. Which came first? Blood, blood vessels, or the heart? If you have blood but no vessels or heart, where is it going to go and how is it going to get to the cells? If you have blood vessels but no heart or blood, what are they good for? If you have a heart, but no blood vessels or blood, the heart's useless. These things are a very complex system that all need to come into existence simultaneously in order to work properly and allow for life.

How about male/female? Which came first, the male or the female? If the male came first, where did he put the sperm while waiting for the female to evolve? If the female came first, how did she get pregnant to produce a child while waiting for the male to evolve?

Male and female have to come into existence simultaneously for the system to work.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 09:49:44 PM by BabyShark »

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