Author Topic: My Bitcoin Friends  (Read 26122 times)

Offline Shotgun

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My Bitcoin Friends
« on: January 02, 2018, 10:33:14 AM »
I know there's some smart mofos on here trading crypto. What's going to be hot in 2018? Gonna be an interesting year. Are Bitcoins days numbered? What will be #1 Market cap at start of 2019?

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2018, 10:45:47 AM »
cardano, ethereum, stratis <--- i think those will raise

if you want max safety, go for 50% BTC(bitcoin), 25% LTC(litecoin), 25% ETH(ethereum)

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2018, 10:46:17 AM »
selling pic of shotgun for 1$

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2018, 01:00:42 PM »
 Ethereum (ETH)
$890,95 USD (16.75%)

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2018, 11:12:56 PM »
Crypto currency is speculation there are no earnings reports, no balance sheets, or any fundamentals to go on what so ever. If you are looking to invest your money for the purpose of growing it over time I would suggest looking at some blue chip equities.

If you are looking to strike gold and get rich over night thru crypto currency my pick is Monero.
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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2018, 02:34:30 PM »
Yeah, I think I will also be looking into Ethereum

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2018, 02:35:36 PM »
cardano, ethereum, stratis <--- i think those will raise

if you want max safety, go for 50% BTC(bitcoin), 25% LTC(litecoin), 25% ETH(ethereum)

didnt etherum crash? it got hacked? can you update me on this

Not that I know of? It recovered fully from the big fall in December (as did many other cryptocurrencies).

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2018, 05:55:27 PM »
UM... were you not aware that this thread belongs in general discussion? for the love of fucking god.. blid.. foonat.. someone. please relocate this post to maintain the integrity of this extremely populated forum.

on a serious note ... i got some $$$ invested in litecoin, ethereum, and bitcoin .. i think pretty much all crypotocurrencies are going to do well in 2018.

what needs to happen in 2018 to solidify cryptocurrencies place in our global society:

1) they need to stabilize to some degree ... which unfortunately probably wont happen in 2018.

2) if they stabilize, more big business needs to start accepting them as a form of currency

3) at this point i'm not entirely sure whether government regulation would be a good or bad thing. i guess it depends on what the regulations are. certain regulations would validate them as a form of currency.. others could completely kill it.

it's just a big waiting game, but i still believe cryptocurrency is the global currency of the future. the question is does that future start now, or 30 years from now with an entirely different crypto currency... im hoping for now.

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2018, 06:04:42 PM »
assuming there are no ginormous hacks, and no detrimental government regulations.. i think bitcoin is probably the "safest" bet. it's the most mainstream, the one most people are looking at short term, the one most people know about and are going to blindly invest in (i say blindly  because they're just looking to make a quick buck, without realizing it's true potential). it's going to grow.

aside from bitcoin.. im sticking with the other ones i've invested in (litecoin and ethereum)  .. the main reason for those 2 investments is not only their functionality, but also because those are the other coins that the largest crypto currency exchange site is selling (coinbase).. and they're selling them because of public interest which stems from their practicality.

it's only natural that people who have an account on the largest exchange site are going to invest in the coins they are offering.

but again.. i think pretty much all crypto's are going to do well in 2018. possibly it's best year.

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2018, 09:53:00 PM »
My take on the whole cryptocurrency investment thing. I'm not an expert at all and don't pretend to be. Would be interested to know what you guys think.

What we have been seeing over the last few years is similar to the dotcom boom of the late '90s, in that it's predominantly people investing in something that they don't understand because it is showing exceptional growth. Ofc the investment then drives the price, which creates an artificial bubble around the whole sector.

However this chicken and egg scenario didn't start out of nothing, it started because there definately IS something there, just ask anyone who invested in FB or Google in the '90s - they invested in something real and got massive returns. However a lot of people who INVESTED in 'dotcom' stocks that they didn't really understand lost a truely massive amount of money, once the dust settled and people realized that those companies weren't realy doing anything other than being traded.

There were also people who made a lot of money TRADING 'nothing' dotcom stocks, but the made sure they weren't left holding the ball when the crash happened. I would expect a similar scenario to play out with the cryptocurrency thing.

Lets face it with a few well timed purchases and sales any one of us could have retired to a very rich lifestyle by now, so it can't be said that these things aren't worth the risk of trading, if you're smart and watchful. Also it seems quite possible that some form of cryptocurrency will end up being the global currency at some point in the future, in that case getting on board the right horse at the right time and sticking to it would set up your family for generations to come. But does the winning 'horse' even exist yet?

CC has just entered a new phase which generated the most recent bubble and the notoriety from that bubble will drive the next one. What has happened is that CC has gone from being "that bitcoin thing" to (enough) people realising that multiple CCs exist and can exist, and people have started creating and trading new CCs. Expect more new ones in the near future. While there is still enough general confusion about what they are there may be money to be made buying brand new ones at very low rates and dumping them very shortly afterwards. Don't get greedy here some (probably most) of them will tank very badly before too long.

Another possible thing to watch for is when some of the big banks/powerbrokers get together and work out how create their own CC that they can manipulate (has this already happened idk?). In this scenario it would eventually come down to a battle between this 'big money' CC and the largest of the 'free' CCs (currently bitcoin?).

Anyway, as far as the current market and existing CCs go, for any real investment (as against short term trading) I would strongly reccommend looking at one thing: which ones are actully being used. Which ones are actually being exchanged for goods &/or services? Like the dotcom boom there will at some point be a "the emperor has no clothes" moment and past that point anything that can't actually be exchanged for something real (not just other cryptocurrancy) will become instantly worthless.

There are also 2 other totaly leftfield factors to consider:

  1) Quantum computing. It's still in it's infancy but there is genuine progress being made in the field. For example there's an Australian scientist that virtually has an open cheque from the govornment here and is almost ready to test a rig that has 10 quantum bits, each one based on an individual atom. IDK enough about it to forecast anything, but I do know that a major breakthrough in quantum computing would mean that CC mining would be pretty much instantly smashed open by the first quantum rig that is put to the task. Somethig to think about.

  2) Sabotage. Again I'm not an expert in the technical side of CC, but one thing I do know is that whenever there is that much money involved, let alone something that could even be imagined to be a threat to the people who control the world's finances, that no holds are barred. Anything that can be done has a very real chance of being done, if it benefits the right people. This includes but is not limited to: cyber attacks, the physical bombing of server farms, deliberate monetary and/or legislative interference/sabotage to the system, covert interception and hijacking of transactions and whatever else anyone can dream up. IDK if any individual one of these can or will happen but when there's enough zeros on the end of a transaction things get crazy. How may people in the world would happily organize another 9/11 if they got a trillion dollars for it?

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2018, 02:41:41 AM »
"watch for is when some of the big banks/powerbrokers get together and work out how create their own CC that they can manipulate (has this already happened idk?)"
yes. #2 CC atm - Ripple

Offline Lambchops

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2018, 03:53:10 AM »
"watch for is when some of the big banks/powerbrokers get together and work out how create their own CC that they can manipulate (has this already happened idk?)"
yes. #2 CC atm - Ripple

ah. that figures.
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

Offline shesycompany

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2018, 06:38:02 PM »
speaking of that little bitcoin i got from ads is gone from my e-wallet i made for it...

havent checked on it in like 2 years  ;D  :'(

possible i forgot where i put it..i sure dont use many names..but i have lost it .00000000032 that may never see the light of day.

but i would buy some for a say online poker and fuck this we cant gamble in the states bullshit.

PokerStars will be in more USA states in the near future. Players are still choosing to play at legit offshore sites such as Ignition Poker and BetOnline, due to 50 state acceptance. ... Real money play will only be accessible if you are visiting or live within New Jersey.Oct 1, 2017---wtf!

but if u cant spend it why would you want it :/

read teh comments they seem to know more.

but ya aint gotta be rich to be rich u know...we can all have our own limo easy.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 07:34:59 PM by easycompany »

Offline Lambchops

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2018, 09:23:53 PM »

but if u cant spend it why would you want it :/

read teh comments they seem to know more.

Interesting stuff there. The transaction speed thing is a real issue I wasn't aware of. I assume the speed bottleneck is correlated to the actual encryption methods. Is a 'faster' CC a less secure CC? Does CC verification slow down the as a function of the amount of a given CC that has been mined?

It can be useful to think of cryptogrophy like calculating prime numbers. The first few you can do in your head ... 2,3,5,7,11,13... the first 1000 can be calculated in seconds by brute force, but once you have found the first 19K the 20th 1000 primes take a LOT longer to find: The time required plots a J-curve.

I don't really know anything about CC algorythms, I'm just making assumptions based on general math/computing knowledge, but I would assume that as bitcoin has been around the longest there would be more of it in existance than any other CC. How much of a factor this is in transaction times and how much is intrinsic to the algorythms IDK either. A certian amount of it will be related to existing infastructure, but that can always be upgraded.

Hmm... interesting brain food for for nerds :) But the real thing here they saved until last --> Amazon creating it's own currency. This is a HUGE concept.

past that point anything that can't actually be exchanged for something real (not just other cryptocurrancy) will become instantly worthless.

Were Amazon to do this they would own the bat AND the ball, so therefore the game. This would certianly raise a few eyebrows amoungst the powers-that-be. I doubt they would be game to be so bold just yet, first they would want to further solidify their central place as a purveyor of the tangible, and allow other CC's to stablize as genuine forms of currency, before draining their value into 'ZonCoin'.

Another thought is that as the owners of the actual value of their own currency (the equivalent of the gold in the vault) it would not necessarily have to be self-supporting, i.e. it needn't necessarily be a true cryptocurrency at all, just a ledger. This would have been unthinkable 20 years ago, but now that the collective consiousness has been acclimatized to the notion of 'coins' they play with on their phones, the fact that it isn't a real CC would probably be lost as so much more nerd-babble.

but ya aint gotta be rich to be rich u know...we can all have our own limo easy.

HAHA -  ;D  - my limo is a Toyota
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

Offline Lambchops

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Re: My Bitcoin Friends
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2018, 09:34:15 PM »
speaking of that little bitcoin i got from ads is gone from my e-wallet i made for it...

.... and what was the source of this magic coin-eating wallet? ;)
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!