Live stream will be available at who pre-registered will be entered in the T-Shirt drawing at the end of the tournament live on the stream.
Cash Prizes!
1st place team - $400 a piece plus a custom made plaques brought to you by ~Tora~
2nd place team - $150 a piece
3rd - 4th place teams - $55 a piece
5th - 8th place teams - $25 a piece
+two $20 cash drawings following the conclusion of the tournament will take place live on the stream for players who do not earn a cash prize!
To collect the cash prizes you must be able to provide war2 insight replays from each tournament game, and PM me your Paypal account address within 30 days of the tournament ending. (including the drawing) - Download war2insight
Best of 3 series until we reach the Semi Finals (bo5), Finals (bo7)
10 minute time clocks will be put on players going afk during tournament. (Sorry if your random ally partner leaves you hanging and gives you a loss but the tournament must go on)
A few notes regarding a player leaving or too bad of conflict to play a series. I will allow a substitute to jump in
if there is extreme lag or cannot get a game started between the teams. If this happens the original players need to be returned by the next series. If one player has to leave or disappears without warning I will allow a substitute to continue on in his place ONLY IF THE OPPOSING TEAM AGREES TO THE SUB. If a player completely leaves before the tournament ends and his partner continues on and wins a prize the player who left will be totally forfeiting his earnings and the substitute will not receive a prize either.
All substitutes have to be players who originally did not enter the tournament. (hopefully no situations for subs occur.. we have been pretty lucky this year and everyone has been doing great about finishing up tournaments)
All games will be played on GOW Classic / Even Faster speed / High Resources
1. alf-attack / u8t3io3p
vs.2. Gobethronger / Ragner
(WINNERS FACE Alien$ / HarryWangs )
3. Wargasm / Ares
vs.4. Cel / Kung~Fu~Panda
5. Maciek / dJ_boSs
vs.6. Matty[iS] / BabyShark
7. Silent~Farts & DrpnWitWakJuice
vs.8. LoNe / BHC-Jesk
9. MkI / Braviet
vs.10. ~LeGiT~ / happy2
11. ^PaperBoy~Sol^ / Mystical
vs.12. LetsReMake / ~Tora~
13. Ogremage / Serist102
vs.14. Raz_ / KagaN
(Winners face iSuck[iS] / Noise))
15. Viruz / Swift
vs.16. silkyslim / MaX.X.Overkill
1. alf-attack / u8t3io3p
vs.2. Wargasm / Ares
3. Maciek / dJ_boSs
vs.4. LoNe / BHC-Jesk
5. MkI / Braviet
vs.6. ^PaperBoy~Sol^ / Mystical
7. Ogremage / Serist102
vs.8. Viruz / Swift
1. alf-attack / u8t3io3p
vs.2. LoNe / BHC-Jesk
3. MkI / Braviet
vs.4. Viruz / Swift
1. alf-attack / u8t3io3p
2. MkI / Braviet
Champions:1. alf-attack / u8t3io3p
^AdaM^ Cup III - Plains of Snow Low Res 1vs1 tournament - May
GoW 1vs1 Championship - July
Smurf/Random Allies Halloween Tournament - October
GoW 2vs2 Championship - December
Plus other tournaments by KagaN/Tora - TO BE ANNOUNCED!
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