Claw I recommend to you studying the tactics & strategies the left uses. Then figure out how you can counter these methods, and also don't be afraid to use their own tricks against them. So far people who have done this have had a crushing winstreak and are seemingly unstoppable.
i dont think anyone wants to convince anyone here, its about mutual insults.
i KNOW im right, they THINK theyre right, once in a while i will post actual events, maybe blid will skim through 5% of it... its pure entertainment
i think only lambchops would be autistic enough (+enough time on his hands) to try to convince anyone
thought there was any kind of moderation here but since calls to execute entire nations are K, i throw the shit back
isnt it amazing to see ~~70% of people are so wrong? its like this retarded 1hall meta in archers... or even better, chopping wood with lumbermill peon, which was super stupid. some crackheads from AA still do it i bet