Everyone needs to relax. He stressed multiple times it's for fun. Feel free to say what you need to say but, again, relax, it's for fun. There doesn't need to be some crazy detailed explanation with algorithms as to how/why/who/where/when.
Farts/Talrand- Tier 6? (farts maybe tier 5 for a short period of time) I haven't seen Tal play much lately so idk if tier 5.
Angel~Fire- Tier 6 (maybe has older aka idk, Angel_MI?)
Lale- Tier 6
$lick- Tier 6
Dugz- Tier 6
IamPOIUYT- Tier 7
SoczMaster- Tier 6
Van- Tier 6
Lusted- ?? Tier 7? (might have aka)
Buildmorefarms- Tier 7? (knows like every map and is good at them)
+1 00STEVE
- 1 Mystical (sorry lol)
+1 Iambadman
+2 BHC-Master (he is on here multiple times I believe)
+1 Sh4de
+2 Xurnt
+2 SoczNedok
+2 SocxStanneyDing
+2 AA.GreenGoblin (much improved since COVID)
+3 or 4 for FLCI-VIZZER
+4 Ogremage
+3 Disgruntled
StarTale? hahahahahaha **shade thrown**
If we are adding old names I have a few. They might have akas, idk a lot of akas of people.
- Head[iS]
- Kb)go-go(
- D.Stylez
Time for everyone to tell me 1/2 the people I listed are already on here, rofl!