You were never at any point considered anything above a mediocre ally who people dread having to play with. I have never lost to you, and I never will. You're trash, and it's not my fault you don't understand that like everyone else here does. Those are the types of players I talk shit too. Ignorant retards who think they have skill for no reason. Esn, TK, spb, and Jordan esque players are pretty much the only people. So when you say everyone talks shit, slight exaggeration. You having a conversation with 2 or 3 out of those other retards in a public game is a circle jerk session and not everyone else's opinion. If you dropped your complete ignorance I wouldn't have to say this stuff. You're delusional though, and don't realize how ignorant you truly are. The difference between high caliber players and others isn't how many games you play (retard logic; look at spb). It's the understanding of mechanics and strategy such as resource management, timing attacks, terrain navigation and abuse. Players like you go into a game with a set strategy regardless of what happens in the game. Good players adapt to the circumstances happening, it's not a dice roll for us like it is for you. It's not my fault you decided to get wasted because your wife was getting fucked by half the town while you were on war2 to talk shit and sit in channel the whole night. I didn't have to tell anyone to ban you either, no one likes cry babies like you. If anyone rages, it's you.