Author Topic: Accused of tipping  (Read 7993 times)

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Accused of tipping
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:16:01 AM »
I'm going to be the first to post about this since it involves my integrity and reputation. I am not sure if Swift or other parties had planned to post.

I made an honest mistake tonight that involved having both players in a 1v1, Lone and Swift, on AC instead of the other two watchers, toungsta and LTFan. The game was FOC High. Swift accused me of tipping to Lone. Swift thinks that I was trying to tip Lone but accidentally had him chat checked too. It was the comment I made about Swift going stronghold that caused him to accuse me and eventually pause the game. I apologized for ruining the game. However, I did not tip Lone like I was accused of. I had the wrong two players AC'd. Swift says he has the replay. I encouraged him to post it.

Anyone who watches with me knows I will comment on details. Some probably like it and some don't. Some even ask me to make such observations. To me, Swift beginning his stronghold was an important detail that other watchers might not always catch as quickly considering how many halls Swift had which I also mentioned. That was a lot of halls considering his main base was hurting. The stronghold was at one of Swift's many exps, away from the action. Watchers know I'll give peon count comparisons often. I did not give any information through AC on what Lone was up to because there wasn't anything interesting about it. He was ahead without it being a lightning fast power and had secured one exp. Swift staying alive through a long tower war with what must have been six guard towers (later more) on him was more interesting so he is who I chose to make a few comments on. Minutes before Swift realized something was up with my typed chat and thought I was tipping, he had just begun being towered and I commented "gg no re." I had seen Swift's towers could not be easily repaired with his farms in the way. No one had a problem with me typing gg no re but my point is, I wouldn't have said this if I knew Lone and Swift were able to read it. I also narrated right on the dot when Lone's catapult and transport had JUST died. Why would I mention those unit deaths if I thought I was private with only Lone and tipping him like I was accused of?

After I realized something was wrong based on the chat from Swift I clicked on the chat button. Lone was first in my list, Swift third, the watchers second and fourth. As I said, I had the players checked and watchers unchecked. Ask the other watchers, toungsta and LTFan if they heard any tipping chat from me. The only thing I suspect they heard was the very early game talk about how black was pink for winter tileset. At this point, I would've likely been chatting to ALL at the start of the game as most watchers/players do. I even made a comment about how Swift knew that fact about black on winter. I am sure that comment was sent to ALL because I would've thought I was AC'd to only the other watchers, not AC'd to Swift and Lone.

I understand what it could be perceived as on Swift's end. Swift and I always got along. It's a close matchup between him and Lone too. So, what would be my motive for tipping?

Yes, it is a weird mistake to make and I can't say I've made it before. Do you know what would have been much weirder? Let's use some logic here. To ally both players, the player I'm supposedly helping, the other guy, and neither of the watchers. THEN, ONLY tip mid-game rather than including Swift's starting location and starting strategy. Wouldn't it have been a good tip to pass on that Swift had a juggernaut pending when Lone's juggernaut was attacking his island? Why didn't I mention each time Swift took a new exp? If I was tipping, those details would've been far more important to provide than what I mentioned.

Swift, I urge you again to post your replay. I apologized for my mistake. My story is congruent with exactly what happened.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2017, 01:32:27 AM »
I remember when gp( not sure) said spots at start at gow when we were playing finals me g3 vs swift st(?)

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2017, 01:33:53 AM »
probably to make it fair lol

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2017, 09:43:25 AM »
Nedro wrote's first novel. Gonna take a couple days for me to read for sure

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2017, 09:44:58 AM »
Stop cheating nedro.. tipping is only allowed when you get banned from the game, but one of the players is streaming.. u can watch the stream and /msg opposing player what's going on.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2017, 10:47:30 AM »
wow you're useless tk, were you even there? Watchers commentate amongst themselves & check the wrong boxes for ac all the time. It happened the other day in Yamon vs Lone, more than once. Swift accuses everyone of tipping afaik, especially if he loses :D

we believe in you nedro!

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2017, 10:52:46 AM »
admins protecting cheaters.. so typical

i call for perm ban.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2017, 11:58:22 AM »
wow you're useless tk, were you even there? Watchers commentate amongst themselves & check the wrong boxes for ac all the time. It happened the other day in Yamon vs Lone, more than once. Swift accuses everyone of tipping afaik, especially if he loses :D

we believe in you nedro!

You are a hypocrite. You are doing essentially the same thing you are proclaiming Tk useless for doing. I don't go around randomly accusing players of tipping and can't remember the last time I accused anyone. You are making unmerited accusations,and discrediting my reaction in a moment without even having been there. Bad  form, especially for an admin.

Nedros case was interesting, and anyone who played the game from my perspective would have been highly suspicious as well. A watcher Occassionally making comments like "he's holding" / "4 halls" is enough to raise eye brows. Those are not things one would typically say to watchers who have vision from all players. It is also suspect that no comments were made regarding Lone's base. So yeah, me reacting after reading a small handful of comments Like that is not uncalled for at all. Both watchers agreed the whole event was rather suspicious. One watcher also commented that my opponent seemed to being playing as if he was being tipped, and so of course this added to my suspicion as well.

The event can either be interpreted as cheating or a coincidence / very odd.  Nedro seems like a nice guy, and I haven't know him to do anything like this before so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2017, 12:09:00 PM »
if Lone was getting those msgs he should have paused and said shut up, thats what i would do

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2017, 12:28:40 PM »
..Unless lone was inviting/encouraging/enjoying the tips.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2017, 12:29:24 PM »
He may not have been reading them. Who knows.

Keep in mind too that exactly one game prior Lone was 1sing ST, with me and a few others as watchers. Lone's starting location was 6, and while their halls were building Lone sent me a whisper saying something like "tell me what to do from 6". I responded saying I will give him advice after the game is over if he would like. I was a little confused by his request, but just let it go. I figured, English isn't Lone's first language so maybe he was just pissed in the moment that he got 6 vs ST and was meaning to request I teach him how to play the spot at a later time. However, given the incident with nedro the following game it only then added to my suspicion.

I had no intention about making a thread or anything, and tho a bit upset in the moment I decided there was still a chance the whole thing was just a coincidence and that nedro deserved the benefit of the doubt.

But for mouse to discredit the whole thing and make things up doesn't help the situation. Even Nedro acknowledged that he understood how it could be interpreted as suspicious/odd. His reaction though, and how adamant he is about clearing his name over an issue that I wasn't going to even bring up past last night makes me think it probably was just simply a situation that appeared pretty odd.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2017, 12:31:02 PM »
Yeah I can't see Nedro doing anything like that on purpose,  and Lone/Nedro would be a odd tipping relationship. I don't see players asking that of someone without much history/friendship between the two.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2017, 12:34:16 PM »
Swift crying because he lost to lone, blames it on tipping

burnt and mouse are right... they know the relationship between nedro/lone. they didnt have to see the game to know what was going on.

stop trying to accuse others of tipping swift... people who weren't there know what happened. we see through your bullshit.

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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2017, 12:39:04 PM »
Haha. Burnt's comment is actually a fair one though, I think. They don't appear to really associate with one another.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 12:41:04 PM by Swift »
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Re: Accused of tipping
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2017, 12:41:39 PM »
me too. you pussy crybaby.