Welcome to another year of Warcraft 2!
Standard rules apply. If screen shot request is asked you must deliver before advancing in tournament.
The beginning rounds will be best of 5.
Game 1: Starts out on GoW classic with even faster speed, and high resources.
The losing team in each match get to pick the next map / resource / speed (between ef/f)
No map can be played more then once including its ladder counterpart (so GOW BNE is automatically out, and say if HSC Classic is picked, HSC ladder cannot be played again in that series)
The finals will be a best of 7 series. Maps must have 5 or more positions so I can have a spot to stream and record.
http://classic.battle.net/war2/lp/ (pics of maps)
Round 11. LoNe/Yamon
vs.2. BYE
3. Cel/Lambchops
vs.4. Matty/Constantine
5. xxxSmeagolxxx/DankBudz
vs.6. Knitterhemd/Its_Hot_In_Herr
7. Ripe[Eur0]/Medivh
vs.8. BYE
9. Wargasm/Tyrus
vs.10. Egg/Poiuyt
11. Van/Harrywangs
vs.12. spirit/igognito(z)
13. Isiepierdol/Disgruntled
vs.14. eleison/tolean
15. alf-attack/alf-attacking
vs.16. BYE
Round 21. LoNe/Yamon
vs.2. Matty/Constantine
3. Knitterhemd/Its_Hot_In_Herr
vs.4. Ripe[Eur0]/Medivh
5. Egg/Poiuyt
vs.6. Van/Harrywangs
7. Isiepierdol/Disgruntled
vs.8. alf-attack/alf-attacking
Round 31. LoNe/Yamon
vs.2. Knitterhemd/Ripe[Eur0]
3. Van/Harrywangs
vs.4. alf-attack/alf-attacking
Finals1. LoNe/Yamon
vs.2. alf-attack/alf-attacking