Star.. swift.. do u guys even play friends? Literally all u have to do against a dualer is send waves of 7-9 grunts over and over and they will never get past hall. The gold is 100% exposed and the wood is pretty much just as exposed.
Dualing against someone of similar skill (or even someone who sucks at everything except rushing) is suicide on friends
Yes. I used to play it a lot pre .ru.
Not only is dualing a legitimate strategy on friends, but the strategy you are suggesting to combat it with would be a guaranteed easy win for a dualer who knows what they are doing. All it takes is a proper setup and the appropriate amount of GTS and they are forced to either cat, tech or counter dual themselves. The grunts only strategy to kill peons will actually slow the rusher down more than the dualer, if the dualer puts his GTS in the right spots and has enough of them. Even if the rusher kills a moderate amount of peons with his rushing (which he can only do if he rushes wayyy too hard effectively slowing himself drastically, or if the dualer sucks), then it still doesn't really slow the dual.
If I still played I would love to demonstrate this to you. You are a decent player, but just simply rushing vs me dualing, you would only get more and more behind and the harder you rush the more further behind on tech you would be.