Author Topic: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^  (Read 34295 times)

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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #90 on: December 30, 2016, 05:34:55 PM »
Technology is advancing every day.. machines have been and will continue to replace human bodies in the work force until technology gets to the point where there are literally no jobs a machine can't do. Right now 1% of the U.s. Population holds over 50% of the nation's wealth. The middle class is shrinking every year, those in poverty grow every year, and the wealth the top 1% increases every year. Its not sustainable.  If the trend continues, there will be another catastrophic economic collapse. I'm not saying increasing the minimum wage is the permanent fix, but it is a temporary bandaid that will keep our economy "stable" until a more permanent solution comes along, or an inevitable collapse.

some type of basic income will probably be implemented as a last ditch effort to keep capitalism alive. although there's way too much opposition towards it, particularly in the usa, because of some antiquated ideas of how "people must work to survive!". implying if people got  a basic income they wouldn't work. the reality is, work is more enjoyable when you aren't forced to do it and aren't fearful of losing your job and being thrown into poverty.

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #91 on: December 31, 2016, 10:09:16 AM »
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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #92 on: December 31, 2016, 10:11:46 AM »
Technology is advancing every day.. machines have been and will continue to replace human bodies in the work force until technology gets to the point where there are literally no jobs a machine can't do. Right now 1% of the U.s. Population holds over 50% of the nation's wealth. The middle class is shrinking every year, those in poverty grow every year, and the wealth the top 1% increases every year. Its not sustainable.  If the trend continues, there will be another catastrophic economic collapse. I'm not saying increasing the minimum wage is the permanent fix, but it is a temporary bandaid that will keep our economy "stable" until a more permanent solution comes along, or an inevitable collapse.

some type of basic income will probably be implemented as a last ditch effort to keep capitalism alive. although there's way too much opposition towards it, particularly in the usa, because of some antiquated ideas of how "people must work to survive!". implying if people got  a basic income they wouldn't work. the reality is, work is more enjoyable when you aren't forced to do it and aren't fearful of losing your job and being thrown into poverty.

Guaranteed basic income will definitely happen in the next 50 years or there will be a bloody revolution. The late capitalist economy by design creates millions of unemployable people with no prospects, better give them free money or they're going to all go on shooting sprees/join ISIS/start a fascist or communist revolution.

Then again the ruling class is incredibly stupid and deranged and arrogant so who knows.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 10:13:48 AM by fuckboi1488 »
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #93 on: December 31, 2016, 11:59:02 AM »
The H-2A labor rates just came out for the states.  $11.66 per hour with transportation there and back, housing, and a vehicle to use on the job where I live.  Min wage is under $8 but it doesn't matter as the supply and demand for labor merits the $11.66 easily. 

It is laughable that anti capitalists truly believe that the concept of a ruling class would go away if capitalism went away.  It just changes hands but it will always be in the hands of a smaller percent. 

The failure of the USSR... was a failure of the Marxist economics policies.  Regardless if you want to say it was ochrastrated by western operatives or not.  I say this because the collapse happened in our lifetime, it was the smaller counties that revoluted as they were no longer being treated as equal partners. (Obviously this is shorted as there is hundred of books written on it.). Putin himself places the blame on Lenin and how he implemented things.  In the end anti-capitalist or not, that collapse resulted in the worst economic time in there entire history.  The USSR removed the ability of free thinking individuals that threatened or went against them.  They oppressed and ruled there comrades with fear.  It was the exact thing that Marx predicted would happen within that type of society.  That it would fail and return back to barbarism.  Marxisright what would you contribute to the USSR failing?  If it was the west meddling then it would be exactly what I said at the beginning about the ability of humans being corruptible and any system that is equal will always fail because it is the inability of humans to control there wants and desires.  If they could control them then a system that is equal would naturally be the best system... but utopia doesn't exist in the real world.

If you think about labor as supply and demand, the 50's-60's would be after WW2 and there was a huge loss of life throughout the world.  So logically speaking if you want to use the 60's in regards to min wage it would completely support what I was saying.  This is one of the biggest reasons China uses population control due to the work force.  When population gets to the point where the basic needs (food, shelter, water) are unattainable there has always been riots/revolution/war.  This is another reason why china manipulates its currency and controls the prices of food in there country. 


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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #94 on: December 31, 2016, 12:40:33 PM »
The H-2A labor rates just came out for the states.  $11.66 per hour with transportation there and back, housing, and a vehicle to use on the job where I live.  Min wage is under $8 but it doesn't matter as the supply and demand for labor merits the $11.66 easily. 

It is laughable that anti capitalists truly believe that the concept of a ruling class would go away if capitalism went away.  It just changes hands but it will always be in the hands of a smaller percent. 

The failure of the USSR... was a failure of the Marxist economics policies.  Regardless if you want to say it was ochrastrated by western operatives or not.  I say this because the collapse happened in our lifetime, it was the smaller counties that revoluted as they were no longer being treated as equal partners. (Obviously this is shorted as there is hundred of books written on it.). Putin himself places the blame on Lenin and how he implemented things.  In the end anti-capitalist or not, that collapse resulted in the worst economic time in there entire history.  The USSR removed the ability of free thinking individuals that threatened or went against them.  They oppressed and ruled there comrades with fear.  It was the exact thing that Marx predicted would happen within that type of society.  That it would fail and return back to barbarism.  Marxisright what would you contribute to the USSR failing?  If it was the west meddling then it would be exactly what I said at the beginning about the ability of humans being corruptible and any system that is equal will always fail because it is the inability of humans to control there wants and desires.  If they could control them then a system that is equal would naturally be the best system... but utopia doesn't exist in the real world.

If you think about labor as supply and demand, the 50's-60's would be after WW2 and there was a huge loss of life throughout the world.  So logically speaking if you want to use the 60's in regards to min wage it would completely support what I was saying.  This is one of the biggest reasons China uses population control due to the work force.  When population gets to the point where the basic needs (food, shelter, water) are unattainable there has always been riots/revolution/war.  This is another reason why china manipulates its currency and controls the prices of food in there country. 


You are insanely fucking stupid.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline tora is a simp bitch for billionaires

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #95 on: December 31, 2016, 10:08:19 PM »
Yea it was a shit post and I'm getting tired of his ridiculous liberalism.
The USSR took the obliterated post-world war 1 economy and was transformed into superpower. Russia had never been so powerful in its history.
They opened schools up to women, and made educational access easier for the poor. This at a time, when American schools were racially segregated.
The Soviets were the first ever to launch an artificial satellite into orbit, first to put a human in space, first EVA spacewalk, etc etc etc.
So you'll have to describe better your definition of fail.

Putin himself places the blame on Lenin and how he implemented things.
Who knows if there is any truth to this, but it wouldn't be surprising. Putin is a capitalist pig dog.

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #96 on: September 14, 2017, 09:14:32 AM »
You socialists need to learn how to self teach.

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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #97 on: September 15, 2017, 08:41:32 PM »
You socialists need to learn how to self teach.

take your medication
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #98 on: September 29, 2017, 04:07:27 PM »
you keep talking about how human nature is against egalitarianism like some drooling idiot, and neither concepts you have a firm grasp on.
"muh human nature" is just a shitty liberal argument parroted by unthinking dimwits that believe they're anthropologists, yet no real anthropologist would actually agree with them.

worker co-ops are generally superior to regular businesses. better wages, hours and overall working conditions. i mean this is hardly surprising, when the capitalist is eliminated from the workplace you've eliminated conflicting interests with the workers and now you've only got people with equal interests and thus a less hostile and fairer work environment. of course they still are working in a capitalist society and susceptible to its flaws. worker co-ops give only a glimpse of what work under a socialist society could be.

Marxism is hardly idealist, it's an actual science. Marx wrote 1000 pages of economics and was one of the more important classical economists because he had greater knowledge of early industrial capitalism than anyone of his time. No your liberalism is what is idealist.

jon. u r so fucking stupid human being that i have no words to say it. u r scum. filth of earth.

Offline tora is a simp bitch for billionaires

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #99 on: September 29, 2017, 04:19:11 PM »
 "u r scum. filth of earth." - guy who wants a holocaust against Muslims and black people.

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #100 on: September 29, 2017, 04:30:12 PM »
those r ur words. not mine. dont put words in my mouth. i never have said that. u dont know a shit about holocaust, or european history whatsoever.

and yes. i mainly want muslims to stay the fuck outta western societies and most definitely out of our beautiful and safe Finland. i cant stand them poisoning our peaceful nations. if they dont stay away, i hope they die and i will kill them if needed. u can call that a massacre or holocaust if u wish. there is millions of ppl here in the old continent who think just like i do and we will act eventually. it means blood.

in the near future, yes, if this shit continues, i will be shooting muslims. i will pick them, just cus of their color of skin, or their religion. but before that, i will kill the socialists, left-wing faggots(dreaming faggots) who think they can make 3rd world country scum actually part of our high standarded post-tech countries. ill kill the faggots who have let those savages in here. ill kill the ppl who have voted such politicians in to the parlament. AFTER. ive killed the leftist ppl and their voters. then i will kick the muslims/niggers/arabs out of this country. if they dont go out peacefully when told so. yes. i will fucking kill them among with many other nationalist real european white ppl.

Offline tora is a simp bitch for billionaires

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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #101 on: September 29, 2017, 04:44:52 PM »
those r ur words. not mine. dont put words in my mouth. i never have said that. u dont know a shit about holocaust, or european history whatsoever.

and yes. i mainly want muslims to stay the fuck outta western societies and most definitely out of our beautiful and safe Finland. i cant stand them poisoning our peaceful nations. if they dont stay away, i hope they die and i will kill them if needed. u can call that a massacre or holocaust if u wish. there is millions of ppl here in the old continent who think just like i do and we will act eventually. it means blood.

in the near future, yes, if this shit continues, i will be shooting muslims. i will pick them, just cus of their color of skin, or their religion. but before that, i will kill the socialists, left-wing faggots(dreaming faggots) who think they can make 3rd world country scum actually part of our high standarded post-tech countries. ill kill the faggots who have let those savages in here. ill kill the ppl who have voted such politicians in to the parlament. AFTER. ive killed the leftist ppl and their voters. then i will kick the muslims/niggers/arabs out of this country. if they dont go out peacefully when told so. yes. i will fucking kill them among with many other nationalist real european white ppl.

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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #102 on: September 29, 2017, 05:15:41 PM »
Uhhh.  Thinking about banning Ripe from the forums.

edit: Gave Ripe a 100% warning.  The warning level gradually lowers over time and he will be muted until it wears down below 50%.  That is for now, likely will make it permanent.  Really that post is perhaps a matter for the police, ffs, like he's probably full of shit but it seems like he needs to be on a terror watch list or something.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 05:57:07 PM by eyyy im walkin here »

Offline tora is a simp bitch for billionaires

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Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #103 on: September 29, 2017, 05:30:39 PM »
i wonder if he's on the same meds as yamon.

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: Re: Trump won and all I can think about is ^adam^
« Reply #104 on: September 29, 2017, 06:34:26 PM »
Uhhh.  Thinking about banning Ripe from the forums.

edit: Gave Ripe a 100% warning.  The warning level gradually lowers over time and he will be muted until it wears down below 50%.  That is for now, likely will make it permanent.  Really that post is perhaps a matter for the police, ffs, like he's probably full of shit but it seems like he needs to be on a terror watch list or something.

Get Finnish Antifa to find out where he lives.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman