Hi all,
I cant really help you with ranking players...
Sometimes it is so random. For example even in GoW my 12/2 game is much stronger than my other spot games and I could sometimes out rush and win a stronger in general player if I get those locations. But in 8/10 times I would normally lose.
Regardless, I have a Tier based suggestion: Set a number (min-max) of players that should be at each tier!
Legend Tier: Held by the One (starting with Swift)
Tier 1: The challengers holders of the Master tag: 10-15 (Min-Max)
Tier 2: The upcoming talents: 15-30
Tier 3: The familiar: no limit
Non tiered players: The rest... (smurfs/new players/consistently bad players)
Feel free to change my numbers. The idea is to have enough people at each tier to get a tournament running.
Now about categorization: obviously when 1 wins a tourney of a tier, automatically advances to the next tier.
Higher tier players cant participate with lower tier players.
Lower tier players can participate at any tourney. (This also required in order for a player to get in Tier 3).
Thus a Tier 3 player is anyone that has participated at at least one tourney (and most probably lost it).
Obviously there is no lower than tier 3 tournaments.
Neither we need to have a lower categorization... Being on a tier it only changes the amount of tourneys you can participate and means nothing more or less.
If people want rankings to compare their skill for 1v1, then make an elo based ladder.
We could have events and awards for new players only though in order to promote more people to join.
Now, as you might noticed I have placed a Max person number per tier. Which means when for some reason a tier has more people then we need to demote one or more players. This is sad, but this will keep the Tier 1 much more challenging.
We should not have a demotion though at each tourney. There must be a specified tourney that all member and only those members will participate in order to find out who to demote. Something like: find the loser tourney than find the winner :-P.
All the above are just ideas I have and I'm sharing them in good will and hoping that will help.
If Tora or anyone else wants to elaborate on them I would be happy to continue and help.