dude blid isnt bad lol. he will probably let you ruin dellams war2 experience just no personal stuff:P
thats a lie, blid is biase, how much fucking editing picture winchester post about me? and he never did nothing against it.
How much time winchester lie about my personal life?
And everytime i told that to blid he just ignore me like if he never seen my message.
Blid is biase admin who do what better for him.
Like letting winchester trying to destroy me cuz i want him out of the staff, or letting peoples saying lance steal personal informations cuz he was a treath for his server, or letting IL insult tk cuz tk reveal lightbringer smurf when lightbringer reveal smurf of everyone.
Even worst lightbringer was smurfing and insulting peoples at same time hide under his smurf, thats why tk reveal the smurf of lightbringer cuz it was the right choice.
How he fuck an admin can IP ban peoples for ther behavior when this fucking dumb ass have the worst behavior ever under his smurf.
Blid is biase, iL is biase, Lightbringer is biase, foonat is biase.