Wow, thats really terrible… We were just gaming the other day.. I s9 rushed and killed his ally at 5, his ally was yelling at him and talking shit to him all game and eventually left in disgust… Adam Owned the shit out of us 2on1 at late game vs me and champion. Was an excellent performance, after he really wanted to yell at his ally after for not having faith. They engaged in a lengthy debate after, said he knew his limitations and plays to his strengths not his weaknesses which was a smart approach i thought…. I’ve really enjoyed gaming with the guy over the years, we would talk smack but he never seemed to take it personal was all in good fun… 1 of the last things he said to me was “hello paper”, I said FUCK U tax man… I think he knew i was joking but wish i coulda said something more profound if I knew i would never see him again, fuck me man….. I’m going to miss gaming with him, Someone should create a pud in his honor! With epic, chops, chokes points , hops, versatility …. I guess it can happen to any of us. I’m low body fat % ripped but my LDL and triglycerides are really bad, everyone should test their cholesterol. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure ;(
Nail, Jungle, Adam, Soth Axo’s bro…. Falkentyne kinda looked like travon Martin but i could be wrong
RIP Buddy