Instead to waste our time for sign up on shitty website no one cares, what about changing that stupid RU at the end of our adresse web for
Do you realize how much people you lose for that stupid adresse??
I have no control over this. I am not the webmaster or an admin. Would you be willing to pay for these .com domains Equinox? You're complaining about the staff not spending their own money on them so why don't you?
I told them to put me admin like 300 times, they dint, so why the fuck i will paid for something im not even in charge.
Are you fucking retard?
No actually blid try to sell me my adminship and telling me i need to give donation to be an admin, What kind of shit is this?? That kind of mentality bring us archer and smeagol.
Admin need to be the peoples who really love this game and really want to work for real, not for some rich nerd who will cares of this game for 2 weeks.
I will give my money when i want, not when a dumb fucker who sit all day long on NBA thread will try to sell me an admin position when hes doing absolutly no shit while I will do everything!
My probleme is not to give donation, it's to paid someone who did nothing while i will do everything, did i really need to paid for that?? I should be the one who get paid since these motherfucker do no shit all day long.
It's sad cuz actually i spend over 2500$ this years on gaming and poker, do you think your 98$ domain will be a probleme?