tk[as] aka S-DaWg, TeRRoR, TeRRoR-Kahn, DisasteR, $parky,
Started in Kahn 1998.
Played: Kahn, Kali, Zone,,
Friends: Ilyich[as], ^Adam^, Decap, swift (when he's not lying about being a millionaire .. so pretty much we're not friends at all), ilyich[as], unclebobbo, M.D.Krauser, unf0rg1ven, Alf-Attack, JyNx, Player, Tyrus, Esn, and many many more.
Enemies: Allstar, Koorb, Van, Shotgun, and anyone else who constantly rages and blames their allies for any and all losses they acquire.
Favorite map/settings: Gow/ef High
Other maps played: NWTR, POS, Gseps, Archers, KOTR, Chop, BHG no air, Chop Mad, Chop Jammin, many comp stomps, and many many more.
Favorite battle situation: Gow EF 12 vs 2 wars
Least favorite battle situation: none.. I love all battles situations.
Location: Near St. Louis, MO
Profession: Union residential Electrician. Prior Army veteran. Prior Union Carpenter. Currently a small business owner on the side - Residential Power washing
anything else just ask