i'm glad to see my idea is underway. You're welcome everyone. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Now that i have all of your attention, Yes. Yes we can do this. If everyone on the server contributes including myself we can easily come up with 30k. Now the way we need to do this is very specific.
#1 We need a war2 council. The war2 council should consist of experienced players, or players who have donated over 1,000 dollars.
#2 30,000 is an approximation. Finding developers who will work for cheaper shouldn't be hard.
#3 Lance needs to be in charge of the developement.
#4 Stupid spitballing ideas for the server CANNOT be accept. Leave the game alone. No player gets a special anything unless they're part of the council/staff
#5 server.war2.ru must be completely abandoned. The staff of server.war2.ru also must be abandoned. Not banned, just removed from power. The only staff i would recommend from server.war2.ru would be blid. Blid should be head admin on the new server.
#6 The essential problems that war2.ru face are all known by lance and are already adressed by lance, making this a 100% safe investment, most likely yielding AMAZING results
#7 ADVERTISEMENT. advertisement needs to be payed for as well. Mass advertisement like never before. Hire an entire advertisement team.