Author Topic: SOLUTION TO W2/SERVER FOUND HERE  (Read 18047 times)

Offline tk[as]

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« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2015, 05:40:13 PM »
I will set up a go fund me by next week. I will have about a week to myself no wife or kids completely uninterrupted. I will spam the gofundme link all across the internet. We will see what happens at the end of that week. If we can get a grand or more in that short time frame i'd say it's a valid possibility. if some donate but it's a very poor showing then im assuming there is a way to return the money to the donors.

i am going to be extremely busy from April - Oct. My goal was to start the process early april once I have extra cash coming in and pay someone over the course of 3-4 months so that we had a new server ready to play war2 on by early October-November next year.

This isnt a small project and needs to be done right. It's not going to happen over night especially considering I'm not a baller

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« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2015, 05:43:45 PM »
I think people like tk imagine there will be some kind of War2 renaissance and the only thing holding us back is that he hasn't poured his life savings into the game yet.

Offline tk[as]

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« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2015, 06:09:54 PM »
No. I think it's extremely realistic to have a community much larger than the one we currently have (i will estimate at least 3-4 times as large as our current active user base). I think the two biggest factors that currently prohibit us from accomplishing that goal is:

1) proactive leadership that has a strong desire to keep the community as large and strong as possible
2) finances .. which (in my opinion) would be much more available to the current community if we did in fact have that type of leadership..but who in the right mind is going to give money to people who show little to no enthusiasm as it is?  iL is the only one with any amount of ambition (i guess LB is starting to show some interest again).. but iL doesn't even have the time or energy to give 100%.

i believe that if you run the server like you would a business it would be much more successful. you "hire" a staff (admins/ops) to give customer service to your customers(players)

Right now, the current war2 company ( is comparable to walking into a run down k-mart just barely hanging on with 2-3 sales associates that are nowhere to be found in the store.

It is inevitable that k-mart is not going to be very successful and will eventually close down for good. that's whats happening to right now and nobody in charge seems to either care or believe it's possible to do better... so it won't get better until something changes. that's not ok with many members of the community. 

what you're seeing (and what you have seen in the past) is members of the community starting to take action into their own hands. If things were being handled correctly from an administrative point of view none of these conversations would even be taking place.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 06:12:22 PM by tk[as] »

Offline {Lance}

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« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2015, 06:10:45 PM »
Well as the saying goes, you cant fail unless you try.  I've tried several times so I can say with experience that its probably a recipe for failure,  but then again maybe it's not.  Sometimes timing has a lot to do with successes and failures.  Just ask anyone in the tech world who was "to far ahead of the times" only to see their ideas become a huge success years after it was vehemently rejected by the intended audiences that are now embracing the same idea like it's the best thing since sliced bread.  Lycos could attest to that as could many tech companies.... including myself.  It's like a Square-out route in the NFL.  If the timing isnt right,  you're just going to end up giving away possession of the ball at a very in-opportune time.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 06:23:26 PM by {Lance} »
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

Offline dellam

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« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2015, 06:52:15 PM »
What changes are you making to server . ?
Please ensure the following is included
You need to be able to have 10,000 on at once.
You can host games but the server hosts tourneys ( like poker)
You can't ban people from games, imagine if the poker sites you let ban people from games ... They would all die by now. Obviously the site will ban you if you break rules .
There is a consistent running ladder, So when a new person joins there are 1262 on ladder.
Why even worry about the chat/ lobby
Why do we need it? That's something for 20'years ago, nowadays the Internet is so large none of the sites have chat on the main page. ( just an idea)
So just create games or join tourneys .

It's no use at all investing 30,000 into the same thing we have now . Need to be able to grow

Try create a flying car.
At the moment your just trying to make the horse& cart a bit faster

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« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 06:56:31 PM by dellam »

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« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2015, 06:58:31 PM »
what you're seeing (and what you have seen in the past) is members of the community starting to take action into their own hands. If things were being handled correctly from an administrative point of view none of these conversations would even be taking place.
people like mousetopher and tora presented themselves as people who wanted to help.  their help was accepted and after proving themselves stable individuals who make contributions they have been given trust to further help the community.  they are the roadmap for how people who want to help are able to.  we dont typically turn people down.  there has been no shortage of people whose offers to help i've taken up, and we've promoted to admin such players as dugs, foonat, lightbringer, electrified-ice, sentinel, frostbitten, sexican and yamon for a period, and...

tk, YOU were an admin after following a similar path, right?  and then you not only quit for dubious reasons, you went on to spend 6 months flaming the server at every opportunity and teaming up with equinox before suddenly asking why you weren't an admin anymore.  it's very strange.  (speaking of equinox, we even created a huge messageboard for his league even after his antics.)  i likewise encourage you to keep up your [as] clan stuff and have offered to give you a special tag if you think it will help, but for some reason you think you specifically must be an admin, and since you aren't you're now talking about dropping  $10,000 on this 20yo game to make your own server that may or may not have some functions that iL doesn't get to programming for this one. 

i mean it's your money and you can do what you want but i just want to warn you it seems a bit delusional and like you have a bit of a messiah complex.  im an active admin and will continue to be receptive to people who want to help and seem responsible enough to be admins, and hopefully iL will continue to advance the server.  we prefer not to include you at least as an admin at this point - but why does it HAVE to be you?  didnt you quite intentionally burn that bridge? 

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2015, 07:09:26 PM »
I love how whenever Blid mentions tournaments getting hosted his go to guy is Tora. Lol I like Blid though and he said he appreciates what I do, go back a year before Tora started hosting tournament and you have Smeagol hosting tournaments no forum no nothing just him. 3rd person :). Oh well, 30-50k does sound ridiculous though.

Offline EviL~Ryu

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« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2015, 07:11:24 PM »

I love how whenever Blid mentions tournaments getting hosted his go to guy is Tora. Lol I like Blid though and he said he appreciates what I do, go back a year before Tora started hosting tournament and you have Smeagol hosting tournaments no forum no nothing just him. 3rd person :). Oh well, 30-50k does sound ridiculous though.

Tora is more important than you for obvious reasons.

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« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2015, 07:12:33 PM »
Ryu and you are nothing so your point? Go spam some threads, allow some hackers into your clan, and reign over your bot clan with 1 member ManoWar. Was I talking to you? No, but your obsession with me leads you to have a boner for me all day long.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 07:14:39 PM by xXxSmeagolxXx »

Offline MaStA{hR}

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« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2015, 07:14:55 PM »
I was personally hoping that the money wouldn't go towards Feature and company's custom warcraft, but it would go into restabilizing the one. Just making it bigger, badder and smoother. Can't we just throw money at it and make it work?

I want my old game back when there were chats galore, people winbotting, people spamming channels with stealthbots, so many games up you're not sure who you want to play with, hundreds of newbs looking for a new L on their record. That's what I want. I have 1500 facebook friends, probably 600 of them are students who are rich as balls. I wouldn't mind putting myself on a limb and giving this link to them. :)

I don't even want to promote this game because when you get on, you can't play, you have cranky or inactive people in chat, you can't host right off the bat, and there are only pros/legends on with a sprinkle of low tier players.

I'm ready to pull all the stops and help tk[as]. I just don't want this to be complicated and have a terrible split like when East finally went to .ru. We still had hundreds of people on east and the .RU server was stealing all the gow/.pud players and the transition wasn't clean.

If we can avoid this, I suggest working with what we've got and just make it into a machine, rather than start from scratch which would be way more expensive than Lance's estimated figure.
I love this game!

Offline MaStA{hR}

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« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2015, 07:18:28 PM »
Also, 30k can be raised in less than a month. We're a community of 200-1000 strong (I know that's a wide range but when you account for only 50 or so people on the server at any given time and the fact that most people play for a week then ditch out for months like myself) it seems fairly accurate.

Anyways, so if we have 200 people that promote this shit and get even just 10 people to donate 10 bucks... that's 200x10x10 = 20,000 right there with hardly breaking a sweat... And I know some of us can reach out to more people than others.
I love this game!

Offline tk[as]

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« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2015, 07:19:59 PM »
Messiah complex? I dont even know what that means.

I never sided with EQ on anything. We werent partners or team mates. If he said something that made sense (it happened from time to time) i agreed with him. If what he was saying didn't make sense i didnt agree with him.

blid.. new admins do not become new admins until the community realizes "holy shit nobody is ever online to help me with anything". then they complain. then they complain some more. then they complain some more.. and eventually an admin or two are brought on.

If nobody complained, you have made it pretty clear through your actions you have absolutely no problem with a server with no visible admins.

the community needs active leadership. they need enthusiastic leadership. they need pro-active leadership... you are none of those things which is why i have no clue why you continue to hold on to your role.

if you gave more shits about the community than you do the feeling you get from being il's right hand man you would step down and get the hell out of the way of the people who do have the drive to build this community... maybe you don't even realize how big of a weight you truly are. i dunno.

Offline EviL~Ryu

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« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2015, 07:20:09 PM »

Ryu and you are nothing so your point? Go spam some threads, allow some hackers into your clan, and reign over your bot clan with 1 member ManoWar. Was I talking to you? No, but your obsession with me leads you to have a boner for me all day long.

You mad? Tora hosts GoW, nobody here give a shit about pball. Sadly...

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Offline tk[as]

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« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2015, 07:32:50 PM »
i know im saying you're a weight on this server, which is true.. but i also understand iL is the one who gives you the "power" you have. he is just as much at fault if not more. it's his server. if he wants it to be successful he should have realized you're a "do bare minimum" kinda guy a long time ago and given someone else more control over the direction of the server. he's not doing that.. which is just more evidence we literally have no leadership with any amount of vision. We have a owner who tinkers with programming and gives us some decent updates from time to time and his right hand man who does the bare minimum. 

we need a new server with new leadership. end of story. im going to do the best i can to make it happen and surround myself with the right people for the right jobs.... basically do everything this administration is not doing. its not very difficult. it's just not happening.

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« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2015, 08:09:42 PM »
I'm trying to say:
Tourneys shouldn't be held in advance,  no one should host a tourney . They should be constantly there and start when full .
If it's online poker, family fued, monopoly or any modernised game online, no1 actually hosts thetourneys . It's a slow, inefficient way of doing it

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