It is epitomized for a man to marry, when sexual perturbations coincide with a need to prolong the male to go into a female. It is not abstruse to say a man is married to multiple wives, and where sexual relations are concerned, marriage is the union that defines that proper gift to be bestowed upon a male and his labor.
I would not make juncture for sexual relations befitting one outside of marriage, but only within marriage: and marriage with more than one wife is quite natural in some instances. Consider the joint labor of a construction worker and an architect, and that architect getting to know the organizations of not one worker, but many, and gets to know many indeed. Though just social relations, there are situations in this earth still existing that may cause a male to become in relations not with men as partners, but many females in excess of one.
The stipulations of this world are always changing. The bible provides a consistency through it all that is in agreement with a great mindset that is fathomed by the destruction of things in the world which cause strangeness and oddity; as well as destruction and insobriety. That strangeness and oddity is judged in concern for what is discerned around us: its character and nature; its being and structure, so beautiful the sky, the sun coming on, not to be coerced or shared with the strangeness of a man going about his business killing people for sport. Multiple wives do not go against the image of a great harboring of the world's consistency and beauty, and neither is it unreconciled in the bible; and sexual relations with females to who there is no marital pact is something not of ambition in similitude to the greatness that is known to man.