hahahaha what about koorb, what about praise whos spammed the forum whit the same photo and call me hacker over and over again, what about light whos made account against me, what about abbusive power, what about the fact your staff are retard hackers and ban everyone, what about the fact you let people hacks, what about the fact someone try to hack Ganz account and spammed everyone and you accuse him of doing all of this, what about the fact evil ryu is the real guilty, your a good manipulator.
I get ban for wich reason? Oh insulting someone about raciail and religion.
Did you ban anyone in that 10 last years because they call me french trash.
The truth is nobody fucking care about ignore dnd and your stupide mute mode, talkshit have always exist and it always gonna exist, you just banning me because you want to make light happy and came back, but go fuck yourself.
Little punk trash manipulator, perrish with your stupid old staff and your hitlerism rules.
Just been an trash to ban me about racisme and call your rules HITLER.
You dint care about nobody, just made some random post to make think people they have choice, but they have no fucking choice.
People told you, they want freedom speech, no reason to ban me.
Your a liar manipulator as light and praise.
At least tk get back on the good side.
dumb ass.