With that argument I could name any game in existence, let's take Diablo 3 and say if you like Diablo 3 you are playing the wrong game. I've played PBall since 2002 when it came out, before that I played GOW, BGH, whatever was up. I have beaten the in game campaigns long ago and building maps got boring to me. It's all a video game it's what you enjoy. I enjoy the fast paced action of PBall, dodging or back and forth as you've said in 2 posts are not what PBall is about. PBall is about spreading your men out, well balanced and timed attacks with fireballs, and avoiding fireballs, rushes. It's basically a big micro war, you are using your men to strategically kill theirs. As for why it's PBall, in real Paintball the rules are usually you get hit once you are out, in almost all PBalls the units are 1 HP so one hit dead, there are some PBalls with low hp units but they are the minority.