When you develop anything for a community using your own time and resulting contribution is appreciated with a "this shit is awesome" response, you know at that point you've done something worthy. Holding your contribution over heads is not demonstrating respect for the community; it represents a sense of entitlement/power. Having said that, being banned without just cause is certainly reason to be pissed and you deserve fair treatment to the terms of use (if applicable), but don't volunteer your ball and then run home because you got fouled. Work it out with the officials. (Time for other controlling parties to step up, review, and take action).
If that doesn't work out the way you hope, well, that does suck.
Just curious and I apologize in advance for an epic run on -- because I haven't read the whole post and have been only on the forums for a couple of weeks and have been away from WCII for a long time, but played as long as ANYONE on here (I care about the longevity), I wonder if the mods/admins have been provided proof of any infractions. I don't expect a reply from an admin, but hopefully ethics and integrity are being applied in the background.