Author Topic: Help  (Read 13549 times)

Offline ~oE~

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« on: July 16, 2015, 08:44:27 PM »
Getting some error that say error connecting to server. check firewalls, network connection etc.

Never got this error before. any thoughts?

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2015, 08:47:47 PM »
The main server is down right now. Click "ignore" and wc2 will start anyway, then select the backup ru server from the gateways dropdown.

Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2015, 08:48:30 PM »
Just press ok to allow through firewall.

I also got the same error.

Connect to "Ru: if server is down" in the gateway list.

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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2015, 10:13:52 AM »
And this is from
An experienced player .
It's near impossible to get new players

Is it possible to simply get a new server ? Then we can just restart .

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« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2015, 10:52:49 AM »
And this is from
An experienced player .
It's near impossible to get new players

Is it possible to simply get a new server ? Then we can just restart .

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Server we currently have is perfectly fine.

Just when morons like yourself get in the way is when things start to get fucked up...want a successful server? Just disappear dellam.

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« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 10:57:59 AM by EviL~Ryu »

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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2015, 10:55:53 AM »
How would making a new server get more new players? I do not seem the logic behind that.
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Offline EviL~Ryu

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« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2015, 10:59:41 AM »
How would making a new server get more new players? I do not seem the logic behind that.

It's dellam...his existence makes no logical sense.

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Re: Help
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2015, 11:15:12 AM »
How would making a new server get more new players? I do not seem the logic behind that.

It's dellam...his existence makes no logical sense.

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Re: Help
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2015, 09:24:53 PM »

How would making a new server get more new players? I do not seem the logic behind that.

The idea being I can direct people to the game , I do have marketing / business skills . U guys can argue it all you want but I do .

Now it's no use me getting new players to the game if they can't login

They can get a game on their phone in 30sec and play it online instantly. The average person is not going to fuck around for much more than a minute before they don't bother playing it online.

Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help . But everyone seems blind/ or they are trying to make server die. U don't realise how sad u will be when that happens

My target of 10,000 in 1 year is not unrealistic

No one has done anything since my initial post offering to help the server . Replying to this post with hey dellam if u want help the server just fuck off ..... Doesn't help the server . It just shows your stupidity and unwillingness to accept help .

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Offline GaNzTheLegend

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Re: Help
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2015, 09:47:57 PM »
I said help desk was a good idea, but 10,000 is impossible even broodwar and war3 servers don't get that much.
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Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Help
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2015, 10:12:33 PM »
Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

My interpretation of this is that the majority of people are interested in downloading WC2 for the campaign only, not that they're unable to figure out how to join the server. Once the client is dled and installed there are no further barriers to connecting, it's a totally intuitive process. A good illustration of this is when the site was featured on Reddit for a couple days, there was a huge spike in the number of downloads, but hardly any of that carried over to players on the server.

This is where tk's idea about incentivizing online play factors in, like if you gave away $100 every month to whoever played the most games or something, I think you'd get a lot more takers.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help .

That's a good idea, I'd had the same thought, but then of course you need someone who can staff it regularly, and who's that gonna be? (Hey, Ryu, wanna make yourself useful?) I mean, do you have time to be answering people's questions about wc2 all day? Do you have the money to pay someone to do it? No? Well, neither does anyone else. The doesn't mean we're making the server die, it just means we all have a point at which real life has to take precedence over a 15 year old hobby.

Offline GaNzTheLegend

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Re: Help
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2015, 10:51:34 PM »
Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

My interpretation of this is that the majority of people are interested in downloading WC2 for the campaign only, not that they're unable to figure out how to join the server. Once the client is dled and installed there are no further barriers to connecting, it's a totally intuitive process. A good illustration of this is when the site was featured on Reddit for a couple days, there was a huge spike in the number of downloads, but hardly any of that carried over to players on the server.

This is where tk's idea about incentivizing online play factors in, like if you gave away $100 every month to whoever played the most games or something, I think you'd get a lot more takers.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help .

That's a good idea, I'd had the same thought, but then of course you need someone who can staff it regularly, and who's that gonna be? (Hey, Ryu, wanna make yourself useful?) I mean, do you have time to be answering people's questions about wc2 all day? Do you have the money to pay someone to do it? No? Well, neither does anyone else. The doesn't mean we're making the server die, it just means we all have a point at which real life has to take precedence over a 15 year old hobby.
You don't need to do anything all day. All you need is an app on your phone and u will get instantly the new messages and can respond.

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Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Help
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2015, 12:40:34 AM »
Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

My interpretation of this is that the majority of people are interested in downloading WC2 for the campaign only, not that they're unable to figure out how to join the server. Once the client is dled and installed there are no further barriers to connecting, it's a totally intuitive process. A good illustration of this is when the site was featured on Reddit for a couple days, there was a huge spike in the number of downloads, but hardly any of that carried over to players on the server.

This is where tk's idea about incentivizing online play factors in, like if you gave away $100 every month to whoever played the most games or something, I think you'd get a lot more takers.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help .

That's a good idea, I'd had the same thought, but then of course you need someone who can staff it regularly, and who's that gonna be? (Hey, Ryu, wanna make yourself useful?) I mean, do you have time to be answering people's questions about wc2 all day? Do you have the money to pay someone to do it? No? Well, neither does anyone else. The doesn't mean we're making the server die, it just means we all have a point at which real life has to take precedence over a 15 year old hobby.
You don't need to do anything all day. All you need is an app on your phone and u will get instantly the new messages and can respond.

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TAPA FTW! [emoji3]

Help Desk: Thought i already do that  ???

I already get user support requests through PM, but if you wanna advertise it go ahead...

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« Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 12:48:49 AM by EviL~Ryu »

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Offline dellam

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Re: Help
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2015, 04:27:51 AM »

Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

My interpretation of this is that the majority of people are interested in downloading WC2 for the campaign only, not that they're unable to figure out how to join the server. Once the client is dled and installed there are no further barriers to connecting, it's a totally intuitive process. A good illustration of this is when the site was featured on Reddit for a couple days, there was a huge spike in the number of downloads, but hardly any of that carried over to players on the server.

This is where tk's idea about incentivizing online play factors in, like if you gave away $100 every month to whoever played the most games or something, I think you'd get a lot more takers.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help .

That's a good idea, I'd had the same thought, but then of course you need someone who can staff it regularly, and who's that gonna be? (Hey, Ryu, wanna make yourself useful?) I mean, do you have time to be answering people's questions about wc2 all day? Do you have the money to pay someone to do it? No? Well, neither does anyone else. The doesn't mean we're making the server die, it just means we all have a point at which real life has to take precedence over a 15 year old hobby.
Just let everyone here have access to the live help, better than nothing .

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Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Help
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2015, 02:02:51 PM »

Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

My interpretation of this is that the majority of people are interested in downloading WC2 for the campaign only, not that they're unable to figure out how to join the server. Once the client is dled and installed there are no further barriers to connecting, it's a totally intuitive process. A good illustration of this is when the site was featured on Reddit for a couple days, there was a huge spike in the number of downloads, but hardly any of that carried over to players on the server.

This is where tk's idea about incentivizing online play factors in, like if you gave away $100 every month to whoever played the most games or something, I think you'd get a lot more takers.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help .

That's a good idea, I'd had the same thought, but then of course you need someone who can staff it regularly, and who's that gonna be? (Hey, Ryu, wanna make yourself useful?) I mean, do you have time to be answering people's questions about wc2 all day? Do you have the money to pay someone to do it? No? Well, neither does anyone else. The doesn't mean we're making the server die, it just means we all have a point at which real life has to take precedence over a 15 year old hobby.
Just let everyone here have access to the live help, better than nothing .

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We already have and requests forum.

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