Maybe for like a national government you gotta run things like that but this is a small messageboard
And the example of your way of thinking is what... equinox trolling your ass very hard and you punishing an innocent little sweet dude (me) with a warning? you've had it your way once and failed. 100% failure rate.
oh wait, theres another! bhc-master trolling your asses for MONTHS about his hacking neighbours, sisters, brothers, dogs, wifi-thiefs and so on. every time you believed him and let him break the rules. he finally spilled the beans after you banned him and it turned out he has a major MPD. another fail of your judgement, innocent little sweet dudes were being hacked by him for months(!) with no punishment whatsoever
No ss = warning <--- this is a good, simple rule
No ss = warning unless you have a brother <--- millions of people hacking and pretending to have brothers. We've all seen it. what you gona do, ask for their and their siblings ID scans? family photos? aint you stupid.
eh mr non racist claw?
a black person on the street looked at me funny