Author Topic: Antihack frontend, step 2  (Read 49802 times)

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #90 on: October 19, 2015, 06:44:56 AM »

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Материал - сатин.Богатый корсет насыщенного фиолетового цвета. Отделка перьями, стразами и объёмным кружевом.Пластиковые ребра жесткости, застежка - стальной бюск.(Подробнеео конструкции корсетов)Внимание! Цвет изделия может отличаться от представленного на сайте в силу особенностей цветопередачи фототехники и Вашего монитора.Отзывы об этом товаре

Whoa spam [emoji52]

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #91 on: October 28, 2015, 08:54:46 PM »
IDK but when i translated that shit it was garbage spam so i removed them from the DEV section.

Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #92 on: October 28, 2015, 08:56:11 PM »

IDK but when i translated that shit it was garbage spam so i removed them from the DEV section.


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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #93 on: October 28, 2015, 09:17:02 PM »
how come that R()sh or whatever guy is still online

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #94 on: October 28, 2015, 10:27:31 PM »
how come that R()sh or whatever guy is still online
is he not suppose to be i just removed the spam comments!

Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #95 on: October 28, 2015, 10:45:07 PM »

how come that R()sh or whatever guy is still online
is he not suppose to be i just removed the spam comments!

Think there is a SS of him hacking [emoji14]

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Offline Igognito

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #96 on: October 02, 2016, 09:57:23 AM »
Hi all,
I know this is a bit old thread (and I also haven't read it all) but I would like to post a suggestion for the Anti Hack.
I believe that a /ping like command for the server which reports the AH status would be a great addition.
The command (lets call it /ahstatus or /ah) could be used in 3 ways.

1) /ahstatus [user]
example: /ahstatus igognito
Igognito AH (10sec)

2) /ahstatus (inside a channel)
returns the results of each player in the channel

3) /ahstatus (inside a game)
returns the results of each player in the game

This is similar behavior with /ping.
If this is hard to provide then maybe you could make only 1 functionality that would be to present the results as in:

regardless where you actually ask the command.

Currently, I check the status on my tablet but it would be cool if I one could do: /ah in a game instead of /ping and then do the SS.
Especially if the /ah also returned the server time stamp.


Offline Lambchops

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #97 on: October 02, 2016, 12:49:58 PM »
Hi all,
I know this is a bit old thread (and I also haven't read it all) but I would like to post a suggestion for the Anti Hack.
I believe that a /ping like command for the server which reports the AH status would be a great addition.
The command (lets call it /ahstatus or /ah) could be used in 3 ways.

1) /ahstatus [user]
example: /ahstatus igognito
Igognito AH (10sec)

2) /ahstatus (inside a channel)
returns the results of each player in the channel

3) /ahstatus (inside a game)
returns the results of each player in the game

This is similar behavior with /ping.
If this is hard to provide then maybe you could make only 1 functionality that would be to present the results as in:

regardless where you actually ask the command.

Currently, I check the status on my tablet but it would be cool if I one could do: /ah in a game instead of /ping and then do the SS.
Especially if the /ah also returned the server time stamp.


I could perhaps help with this, this is just based my assumptions as i didn't really have anything to do with the final AH version but here's the situation:(if any of this is wrong and somebody who knows more about the current AH than I do notices then please tell me thx)

First as far as functionality goes, thats a nice idea and would be a good command to have.

But I think it is very unlikely to happen and here's why:

When you do     /ping     or     /f m     or      /squelch Dellam         or any of those commands you are talking to the PvPGN server, and its replying to you with information.
PvPGN is an open source 3rd party emulator for Blizzard's gameservers.
So it just acts like and if you change the gateway address to point to the pvpgn server instead of bnet the client just thinks its talking to Despite being open-source I would assume that our server would be running on a precompiled stable release build or maybe a version iL compiled for the job, but regardless its a fair amount of code and it would be unlikely that anybody would be routinely modifying and recompiling the server. If they were it would probably be a whole lot less stable than it is.

If (and its a big if) the admins just happened to have an appropriate build environment set up to recompile the server, and felt comfortable about dong that, then it probably wouldnt be hard to add extra server commands ....  but then there has to be a routine somewhere that retrieves the data that you want returned for your query......BUT the PvPGN server doesn't have the antihack data. The AH server has that.

They are seperate processes, which could be running on the one computer, or even in different countries idk The AH server talks to ur war2ce client and gets a regular update of whatever info it is checking up on. It then regurgitates this information either already in html or in some other format that can be converted to html as it goes to be served as the status page. They are two totally seperate systems (AFAIK)

so u either have to mod the client to monitor the chat communication and look for its trigger then contact the AH server with a request for the spcified info, then collect the returned info and somehow patch that into the wc2 onscreen text display routine

... or recompile the PvPGN server from source after adding in the extra commands and a way to retrieve the data either from the AH server itself or possibly from its output for the status page.

Any way you look at it, its a reasonable amount of complication, quite a bit of work plus the risk of possibly destabaizing one or both of the servers in the process... all for more conveniant access to information we already have access to.

 I like the idea of the commands but I suspect implimenting them might not be a popular proposal

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #98 on: October 03, 2016, 07:12:16 AM »
iL & Lance were collaborating on some kind of pvpgn/PHP integration that would make adding custom commands like this (I think) infinitely much easier. Project is stalled indefinitely as iL has become busy with real life, but if they do finish it later on I bet this sort of command would be pretty easy to do.

Offline Igognito

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Re: Antihack frontend, step 2
« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2016, 09:15:07 AM »
I assumed the server is based, or at least supports scripting and not need to be compiled for adding something like that.
Perhaps iL will enlighten us on the matter :-)
I could do some coding too, assuming I get the needed information.
