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Messages - Illium

Pages: [1]
So I hook up the computers again today and try to host a three person match and only two can play.  How can this happen?  All the settings are as before, all firewalls are off.
I checked the ports I have assigned on and they show up as open when I have the computers join battlenet.  However, when I have them join a game I host, they revert to closed.  Any ideas?  I have spent hours trying different things and rebooting the computer and router but nothing works.

 I got it to work with four computers! 
I went back and assigned ports 6112-6119 and no Game Data Port Entry to computer #1 and random ports, with matching game data port entries, to computers 2-4.  I then REBOOTED all the computers and that did the trick.  Rebooting of all things, made it "take" and now it works, woohoo!

I can get three computers to work but never four.  Frustrating.  I have assigned static IPs to all four computers. The computer that I have set aside for hosting games (#1) has ports 6112-6116 (TCP and UDP) forwarded on my Actiontec (FIOS) router.  Computer #2 has port 6117 forwarded and I added a Game Data Port entry of 6117 using regedit.  Computer #3 has port 6118 forwarded and I added a Game Data Port entry of 6118. Computer #4 has port 6119 forwarded and I added a Game Data Port entry of 6119.

Again only three computers can play, the addition of the fourth always boots the other two.

I previously assigned ports 6112-6119 to computer #1 and random ports (with matching game data port entries) to computers 2-4 and same issue, three computers fine, never four.  Any ideas?

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